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  1. Lazarus**

    March 2008 BMQ

  2. Lazarus**

    March 2008 BMQ

    Alright, let me know what happens with your call.
  3. Lazarus**

    March 2008 BMQ

    Anyone else flying out for BMQ in March?
  4. Lazarus**

    This is My Story

    LOL maybe just a little misunderstanding
  5. Lazarus**

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    ****UPDATED***** Recruiting Center: CFRC Calgary, AB Reg/Res: Regular force Officer/NCM: NCM Trade 1:Infantry Trade 2: MSE Operator Trade 3: Cook Application Date: February 8th, 2008 First Contact: The same day I dropped off my application, they booked my CFAT/Interview/Medical Med/CFAT...
  6. Lazarus**

    This is My Story

    About 20 minutes ago, the recruiting center gave me a call saying they had a job offer for me (Infantry!  ;D) I have my swear in ceremony in 2 weeks and then its off to St.Jean for BMQ. SO EXCITED!!!!!
  7. Lazarus**

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Recruiting Center: CFRC Calgary, AB Reg/Res: Regular force Officer/NCM: NCM Trade 1:Infantry Trade 2: MSE Operator Trade 3: Cook Application Date: February 8th, 2008 First Contact: The same day I dropped off my application, they booked my CFAT/Interview/Medical Med/CFAT: February 12th, 2008...
  8. Lazarus**

    This is My Story

    Well...I had my CFAT and Interview today. I passed the test! AND I did awesome on my interview as well  ;D YAY! Then the shocker, I had my medical at 2 o'clock today too, so I had to wait around for a few hours. Once I had my medical done they said that taking a look through all my paperwork I...
  9. Lazarus**

    New CFRG sanctioned CFAT practice test

    The recruiter gave me the hard copy of this on Friday when I dropped off my application papers. I got home and tried it and got an awesome 80% just gotta finish up workin on my math but other then that I feel confident for Tuesday  ;D
  10. Lazarus**

    This is My Story

    Oh I understand, I'm very excited too. :) I wish you luck and yes, perhaps we will see each other in Basic.
  11. Lazarus**

    This is My Story

    After much dilly dallying and getting my head together and preparing,  I finally did it. I braved the cold and made my way down to the Recruiting Centre here in Calgary and handed in my application along with everything else. After waiting for what seemed ages the recruiter said that I had been...
  12. Lazarus**

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    NOISIA- 005 Vision Studio Mix Sept 2007 (Drum N Bass)  ;D gotta love that breakbeat
  13. Lazarus**

    Appitude Testing 2nd try.

    My trade choices are: Infantry Cook MSE Operator
  14. Lazarus**

    Appitude Testing 2nd try.

    See, I already know what I needed to work on and have been working on. And that is fractions  :rage: the most evil mathematical invention. So I've been boning up on my adding/subtracting/dividing/multiplying and reducing fractions skills. I knew one day they were gonna get me, but I wont let...
  15. Lazarus**

    Appitude Testing 2nd try.

    Damn...cause the only transcripts I have are from me old high school. No more, no less. And I doubt that I can magically worm my way through the interview by simply saying "but I studied my little buns off! Honest!" So, I guess the only thing I can do is pass the CFAT with awesome marks. Or at...
  16. Lazarus**

    Appitude Testing 2nd try.

    Well I havent gone to any classes to upgrade my math (which is what I failed at horribly the last time I wrote the CFAT 2 years ago) but I have been working hard on it. So...does that prove that I've done something for my aptitude? Or do I actually have to have a class of some sort in my...
  17. Lazarus**

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    By covered do you mean to cross-reference and triple check to make sure its a legit clearance? And I also know that there are no shortcuts, but having a previous Government of Canada clearance does help?
  18. Lazarus**

    Enhanced Reliability Check (ERC) - Merged

    In the PRE-ENROLMENT Security Clearance Pre-Assessment Questionaire in the 2nd page under Biographical Information it asks if I have ever completed a (and I quote) "Government of Canada security screening form" and my answer is yes. I received Level 2 clearance working with my parents company...
  19. Lazarus**

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I have my high school diploma so it shouldnt be too hard to prepare for this crucial test right? Wrong... I've struggled with math ever since I can remember, my parents (God bless them) tried to help me by hiring tutors way back when I was a wee elementary student in grade 5. that didnt work, I...