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  1. G

    CF Looking at Donkeys as Load Carriers in AFG

    Been there, tried that. It didn't work out so well, but I suppose if people who actually know how to handle and care for donkeys are involved it will go a lot better than it did for us.
  2. G

    Vancouver Recruitment Center

    No one was suggesting it was a factor. I just find hippies amusing, now that I'm not a recruiter anymore. I hope they don't cause too much grief. They obviously don't comprehend the pointlessness of protesting at a recruiting centre, its not like the recruiters are the ones deciding where we...
  3. G

    Vancouver Recruitment Center

    Did those MAWO hippies catch on to the move? I check on their website once in a while for a laugh.
  4. G

    New CT process

    I haven't heard a peep in around 2 months, and don't expect to hear a thing until Mid Jan. It is very frustrating but seemingly typical of CF HR mil affairs. The new CT process was touted as a silver bullet, especially when you initiate it overseas like I did. I am going from Sig Op (res) to...
  5. G

    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    The regular domestic pay, or at least mine, was still taxed.
  6. G

    Tory minority in jeopardy as opposition talks coalition. Will there be another election?

    Even Elizabeth May wants in on the power grab. She wants to be a Senator, though I cannot imagine what she brings to the table for the axis of the far left...
  7. G

    Florida law allows non-prior service civilians to wear mil. uniforms in public!!

    This brings 2 questions to my mind: 1. What was going to happen when this individual reached the end of the line? I assume he would have to produce some sort of military id. 2. Can I use that line? From personal experience I've found that when I've been asked to state my employer in the...
  8. G

    CIMIC Officer Urges UBC, Students to Help Kandahar University

    Brilliant idea! I wonder how MAWO will react. Their hip hop for "indigenous self-determination" will look down right retarded next to a heartfelt drive to help a struggling university. I suppose allowing the people of Afghanistan a chance at a real secular education (a right that MAWO no doubt...
  9. G

    "KAF is more than an oasis of brewed coffee and hot pizza"

    G & M comment boards usually represent the worst opinions of the worst Canadians. I'm pleased with the civility here given the direction this thread could easily have gone into. I didn't spend much time at KAF but I didn't like the place. It was big, smelly, and somehow the dust was of a lower...
  10. G

    Component Transfers (Reserve to Regular): Stories

    Canadian Bear, PM inbound.
  11. G

    "Vigil 1914-1918", National War Memorial, 4-11 Nov 08

    I read on the Globe and Mail site that Mr. Thompson was working on plans to do the same for the 100th anniversary for the war. For all 9.5 million soldiers who died in the war on all sides, with the names projected in cities circling the entire planet. I think that would be an immensely profound...
  12. G

    Obama achieves historic U.S. presidential victory

    I was a McCain supporter at first, but the Republicans sure tend to run a greasy campaign and he probably picked one of the worst VP candidates imaginable. The fact that McCain is so old meant that Palin would probably find herself serving in the capacity of President for a portion, if not the...
  13. G

    A Canadian Soldier-Good Poems

    I know I am resurrecting a dead thread here, does anyone have any idea who wrote this? We had this posted up at the FOB I was at in Afghanistan and when I put it up on my facebook I had a great deal of positive feedback about it. It would be great to give credit where it is due as this moving...
  14. G

    Reservists in AFG

    From my understanding, Reserve Signalers, who are now Army Reservists (but not in the Army Reserve...) are now on par training wise with commonality of training, including course duration approaching or at parity. Since I started out with the reserves as a medic in 2000, and as a Sig in 2003...
  15. G

    What were they doing there ?

    If they're "pinging" on SAS then they should be in good hands. Ah...good times.
  16. G

    Reservists in AFG

    I reckon the current mission has done a great deal to change impressions. From my experience overseas the military is so undermanned that extra hands are more than welcome and that people are judged by their performance and attitude rather by big "R" or little "r". Not to say that in some units...
  17. G

    The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

    This happens every year, and people respond to the "outrage" with abject idiocy as per above. They say that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions and I know alot of civilians have their hearts in the right places but they need to stop, take a deep breath, and think about whether or not...
  18. G

    Liberals Want Voting Age Lowered to 16

    Most 20, 30, 40 year olds don't have a fraction of a clue as to what is going on around them. Age and intelligence/situational awareness aren't locked together. I am willing to bet most 16 year olds would be unwilling to take the time and trouble to go and vote on their own. This is probably...