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Search results

  1. ThainC

    Battlefield 2 (video game)

    Looking forward to the next installment.  Looks like fun.
  2. ThainC

    Guns for Hire - Afghanistan

    Go to the top link, and go from there if you need - they are the top two documentaries.  Seemed interesting. CST.
  3. ThainC

    Whole Iltis Purchase

    I don't know... they seem like a nice little POS ;) Personally, if I could find one for a half decent price here in BS (commence laughing) I'd probably jump all over it.  They'd be fun little off road vehicles, and Recce seemed to point out quite a number of ways a backyard mechanic could...
  4. ThainC

    Tattoo Thread - including current policy [MERGED]

    Submitted all my paperwork, and beginning the journey to becoming an Infantry Officer.  Been tinkering with the idea of getting a tattoo for a few years, and decided just last Thursday to get it done before starting this new phase in my life.  Just thought I'd share a picture of it...
  5. ThainC

    Soldiers of Fitness

    Hey,     I just completed my first month of the course, "Basic" as it were.  Very fun, enjoyable, and tough.  K.S. was my instructor for the second half of the month, Reed was my instructor for the first.  In fact, thanks to two of the "Corporals" I have an application package to sign on with...
  6. ThainC

    Check this Camo out

    Always so much attitude.  I was more so making a reference to the photoshopping, but whatever.  Thanks for the insight.
  7. ThainC

    Check this Camo out

    Heh.  Anyone else notice the Canadian Markings on that helo?