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  1. Kebel


    wow that's impressive  :)
  2. Kebel

    Un réseau de fraude de cartes-soleil démantelé - La Presse

    Dire qu'on paye pour ça.......  :threat:
  3. Kebel

    What Combat Weaponry Are You?

    Ak-47 Assault Rifle A well seasoned fighter and capable in any situation. Extremely dependable you got your buddies back regardless of circumstance. You can take a beating and give it back just as easily. Though it may not be what you want, you stand out as a well rounded fighter.
  4. Kebel

    First BMQ Weekend Question, RES.

    Hi Jazzi, Since you probably retyped the whole list, i'll try to answer you instead of pointing you some old topic that contains part of your answer. Here's what I know, based on what i've read on the forum since I haven't done my bmoq yet: -You should be able to buy some of these items at...
  5. Kebel

    Un avion plonge dans la rivière Hudson - AFP

    Il n'y aurait apparemment pas de victime.
  6. Kebel

    US Airways Flight Lands on Hudson River

    Apparently there is be no casualties which is nearly a miracle.
  7. Kebel

    QC militias/paramilitary groups (merged)

    To be back on topic, don't you guys think their "Major" should be arrested for gangsterism? We got rid of the Hells Angels with that law, we could do the same with the militia. Both are a group of organized people commiting crimes.
  8. Kebel

    QC militias/paramilitary groups (merged)

    You are entitled to your opinions, but frankly... what your writing on this board reminds me why I am ashamed to live in Quebec. Some people, maybe like you, are acting as whiners and it's very sad.
  9. Kebel

    QC militias/paramilitary groups (merged)

    I don't know why the Police is waiting to throw them in jail tho... They could be arrested for "gangsterism"...
  10. Kebel

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    MAJOR UPDATE, i'm gonna be sworned in next week  :) Recruting Center: Québec city Regular/Reserve: Reserve (Voltigeurs de Québec) Officer/NCM: Officer (DEO) Trade Choice 1: Infantry Trade Choice 2: - Trade Choice 3: - Application Date: Sept 22, 2008 First Contact: Sept 29, 2008 CFAT completed ...
  11. Kebel

    QC militias/paramilitary groups (merged)

    Here's is one of the 987429867864328746 reasons i got to be ashamed of being a "quebecers" Those peoples are clowns, stupid enough to put cadpat on their home page... anyway! Let's not give too much attention to them..
  12. Kebel

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    Tim, in my mind you would be doing a mistake by dropping out of High School. Even if most of what your learning in class is totally pointless, while you're at school you're getting older, acquiring maturity and interpersonal skills. I know it's not easy to find the motivation required to study...
  13. Kebel

    Sandbag Alternatives - Stormbag

    lol  :crybaby:
  14. Kebel

    Seriously now this is SICK!

    Here's another good reason why you shouldn't be allowed to get married under majority...
  15. Kebel

    L'armée des souverainistes

    Je ne sais pas si je dois croire ce qu'il dit, en fait j'aimerais mieux pas. Une chose est certaine, si un jour je transfert dans la régulière, il y a de fortes chances que PPCLI soit mon premier "choix".. Être loin des faux-débats du Québec, ce serait génial!
  16. Kebel

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    Congrats Forza  :) Keep us updated on how it's going! Hopefully i'll get my call soon enough too! I wish i'll be sworned and kitted late january  :salute:
  17. Kebel

    L'armée des souverainistes

    Le directing staff a parlé, nous ne pouvons qu'écouter  ;D
  18. Kebel

    Do Not Call list : 1-866-580-3625 ou 1-888-362-5889

    En effet je suis curieux de voir s'il y a un période tampon pour le respect de la loi... Moi aussi le journal m'appel à tout bout de champs!
  19. Kebel

    Crise à Ottawa : Vers une coalition? RC

    La coalition ne semble pu être une option à Ottawa avec l'arrivée de Ignatief... Je vais pouvoir recommencer à dormir la nuit  :)
  20. Kebel

    Pneus d'hiver: la loi cause des pénuries - PC

    À Québec ça n'a pas causé de problème du tout, les gens ici avaient déjà pas mal tous leurs pneus.. Je suis curieux de savoir comment ça s'est passé à Montréal par contre.