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  1. sgt.pongo

    whoa bear whoa

    That was a great excersise wasnt it?
  2. sgt.pongo

    shooting, crosss and crowns ...finaly

    Well holy someone likes to brag. I'm just kidding Mcpl. Anyways I'm very proud of you, and I'm glad i could have you as my mcpl this year. i hope you get Sgt. next year. but i hope i get wo. so there *giggle, giggle*
  3. sgt.pongo


    there was this one time at camp last year, where buschgirl slept in my bed. She yelled at me while she was asleep saying to get out of her bed. So what did i do i slapped her and told her it was my bed. and trhen she kicked me on to the floor. Yes buschgirl it is a true story and i told you it...
  4. sgt.pongo

    is this a good idea?

    not trying to be rude but i kinda care.....but hey whatever.....thanks for thinking it is a great idea......i actually talked to a few of the people i wanted to come but they all said it would be hard to do it so yeah I'm probably just going to leave it alone....we will see how this year goes....
  5. sgt.pongo

    is this a good idea?

    well im sorry i didnt mean to put anything bad.....but if i might ask(i dont mean to go to it agian) but did it have anything to do with PT?
  6. sgt.pongo

    is this a good idea?

    sorry i havent been on in a while so i dont remeber what i posted....how bad was it?.....i dont think i ment to put a bad thin on there
  7. sgt.pongo


    hey hey i applied for camp D&C and ummm guess who got accepted.....me uh huh me...lol...hey buschgirl you should come online more offen.....geeze i miss you alot....cant wait to see everyone.....mandee whats your last name?
  8. sgt.pongo

    is this a good idea?

    As a moderator I am required to inform you that sexual innuendo between underage people as well as innuendo at all will not fly here. Moderator
  9. sgt.pongo

    Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre

    I sware if I could live at vernon I would it is like the place to be. However I would occasionaly want to attend the place I am currently residing in. Homesickness is somewhat of an issue with me, so living in vernon would mean I would be homesick for about the first three or four days. That...
  10. sgt.pongo

    best shelter to sleep in

    okay so like hooch material.....hmmm anyways.....i dont know what to say anymore.... ----sgt.pongo
  11. sgt.pongo

    best shelter to sleep in

    okay so we all have way different oppinons now.hehe. I hasve never even heard of a bivvy bag or what ever you call it. can someone explian it to me? Are there any more types of shelters that would be good to sleep in that i dont know about? ----sgt.pongo
  12. sgt.pongo

    best shelter to sleep in

    Well I see that a lot of people like to sleep in a hooch. I didnt add what kind of weather becuase I really didn't care I only wanted to see what kind of shelters people like to sleep in. Yeah anyways tell people that the poll is here and to post their comments if they like. I am looking forward...
  13. sgt.pongo

    best shelter to sleep in

    so yeah i think that that my fav place to sleep would have to be in my room....but other then that i like to sleep underneath the wide open sky.....i ma looking fowward to seeing the results. ----sgt.pongo
  14. sgt.pongo


    good luck
  15. sgt.pongo


    hey mabey i should cheack out that site thinggy.....mandeeĀ  will pvt message you...
  16. sgt.pongo


    burrows it is okay i am useing my name.....shaylee james is my name......yeah mandee i went out with max....i dont think i know you....thought either......well talk to you later eh....sory about the name thing burrows
  17. sgt.pongo


    mandee do you know somone by the name of (removed by moderator)
  18. sgt.pongo

    Best summer at camp?

    the best sumer of my ife was CL i miss it so much. i ma yet to do CLI but i still like CL
  19. sgt.pongo

    how old were you when you joined cadets

    i was 11 but i was to turn 12 in december.
  20. sgt.pongo

    How to strip cadet boots

    i dunno all i know is that i am a section commander...but my corps did not do a very good job at teaching us back in green and red star