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Search results

  1. P

    CSOR-missed application deadline

    CSOR is not running ISAP again this year, its 'AP' or Assessment Phase now. They are running multiple shorter selections instead of the 1 or 2 longer ones they were running before. Just because the deadline is Sept 4th doesn't mean the selections start Sept 5th. If you contact recruiting they...
  2. P

    Crossfit & the CF

    Crossfit aerobic? Sure they will throw in some longer runs now and again. But 200/400m sprints are anything but aerobic. Take a workout like fran, completed by the top crossfitters in 2 mins where the average weight lifter would probably take 10 minutes. I've hardly seen any metcon workouts that...
  3. P

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    It could be hypertension before doing a test. I get the same thing. Ive gone from a 120/90 with a heart rate of 46bpm (at the docs) to a 155/100 with a 88bpm (for psp fitness testing) They expect you to be completely relaxed before your supposed to exert yourself 100% on a fitness test. I...
  4. P

    Ranger Course

    I seen some requests for nominations back around September.. they were for a few different Ranger courses going on within the year. They were looking for around 12 candidates. So, yes they are still taking CF members on their course.
  5. P

    CAF Specialist Pay [Spec Pay]- All Trades [MERGED]

    Keep in mind these guys went through the rigors of selection, completed SOBQ and are qualified Special Operators. This is a SOF unit. There is a reason the pass rate on selection is low.. Not everyone is capable of the requirements of the job. Sure they may not be the elite counter terrorism...
  6. P

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    If you find your not getting a good enough workout from crossfit's main site WOD's try this one. http://www.navyseals.com/crossfit-workout-day Still crossfit, but they mix in alot more cardio and the workouts are alot more intense.
  7. P

    In order to be competetive

    There is a pre-SOBQ fitness guide out there..similar to the JTF2 one. A lot of CrossFit type workouts on it. PSP or CSOR recruiting should be able to set you up with it. I'm not sure if it's available to everyone or just applicants so you will have to contact them to find out.
  8. P

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Also if you have done a fair bit of rucking in the boots you are wearing, check the soles they should tell you something. See if the left is worn more than the right one. You might have a tendency to use your left side to bear more of the weight.
  9. P

    Physical Test

    Just keep at it and you should make it through the initial PT test. Make sure you are doing your pushups with the correct form, doing them slowly usually helps. (improper form seems to get a lot of people on the test). Just keep running and training over the holidays, a month of good training...
  10. P

    PT test question

    whoops. My bad. Guess I should sort myself out and pay attention to detail.  ;D
  11. P

    PT test question

    Those are not even close to a perfect score on the coopers test.
  12. P

    JTF-2/Airborne destined for land north of Trenton?

    Really? I haven't heard anything about this ;D
  13. P

    Anyone Skydiving?

    Did 25 jumps there over last Christmas break. Z-hills is a great DZ. Got some good free fly coaching while I was down there.
  14. P

    Anyone Skydiving?

    What dropzone you off to?
  15. P

    Anyone Skydiving?

    Listen to the instructor on the radio and PLF. Flaring helps too.
  16. P

    Crossfit & the CF

    When people hate on things, its usually because they are not good at it.  ;D
  17. P


    As for running long or short distances, why not do both? I'm not sure how many days you are setting a side for training. But ill guess around 3? 1st training day - do a nice slow run to build up your endurance, maybe say 5k? (you can increase or decrease as you feel necessary to fit your...
  18. P

    Coopers Test

    You must be thinking of the JTF2 fitness manual. You must pass the coopers test through PSP to even receive the manual. It is a pass/fail thing as part of the application process.
  19. P

    Coopers Test

    Lets take the minimums for a second. If you did the run in 9:45, 40 pushups, 40 situps, 5 pullups, and 1RM 65kg bench that would give you a whopping total of 55 points, a FAIL. 75 points is a pass. Scoring the bare minimum in anything give you 11 points, where the maximum for any 1 exercise is...
  20. P


    In St Jean they will test you with a 20 meter shuttle run, not a 2.4k.