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  1. H

    Benefits Cut...

    Just saw an article on this the other day at work which outlined how the ombudsman's office is trying to get them to change the relocation policy. Makes me wonder, as I am just getting in, if PMQ's are the better option  over buying a house? I know they are their own headache but I certainly...
  2. H

    Severance Pay/ Buy out

    Don't take it now.. I am in the same situation except I am completing a CT. I have been told by my fin section and my CC that if you elect to take the pil everything will be slowed down until the payout is complete. Seeing as the PIL office has to process everyone in the CF who is electing to...
  3. H

    Reserve Co-op enrollment 2014-2017

    When I did my Co-op 8 years ago there was no armoured vehicles or vehicles of any kind. The only time I got any where near vehicles from an operator standpoint was when I was offered my Driver wheel package right after my DP1. Co-op isn't a bad program for those who are dedicated to it.  The...
  4. H

    PRETC thread (merged)

    Anything further on this? I am posted to PRETC in the middle of Feb with my fingers crossed to be crse loaded 2 April. Would love to know.....
  5. H

    QL3 Sup Tech - CFB Borden - Living arrangments/Schedule

    Thanks Skeletor that's a huge help. I wonder if anyone has any idea on crse dates/schedules?
  6. H

    QL3 Sup Tech - CFB Borden - Living arrangments/Schedule

    The Joys of my unit being on stand down for the Christmas holidays is I wont be able to file any paperwork prior to the day I hand in my VR from the reserves. A little off topic but I am trying to sell the benefits to her of declaring Common law, but only being able to say "benefits and paid...
  7. H

    QL3 Sup Tech - CFB Borden - Living arrangments/Schedule

    Hello Everyone, I have recently been granted a CT from Res Infantry to Reg Sup Tech. I have been awarded all of my crse's (BMQ/SQ) and will shortly be posted to Borden for what sounds like PRETC until my QL3 (rumour mill said the closest QL3 after Feb was cancelled). I was wondering what the...
  8. H

    Occupational Transfer - Reserve Infantry to Supply Tech

    Hello Everyone, I have been an infantry reservist within 33 Brigade for 7 years now. About a year ago I started to get really bored with the same old yearly training schedule year after year and my attendance and morale were dropping. I requested a rotation in September to the CQMS and I have...
  9. H

    CF cellphone plan

    So after some digging and speaking to my OR, I found out a plan does exist. Basically I was told to walk in, in uniform, and ask for the military plan. It works out to 200 minutes, some basic features, and 25% discount on anything else you add to the plan (voicemail or data) for around 20 bucks...
  10. H

    CF cellphone plan

    Hey Everyone, I have recently had some issues with Bell Canada and a corporate plan through OPSEU I have had with them for a while. I want to get off of that plan as soon as possible. I was wondering if anyone had any information on the "Government of Canada" or DND plan through any of the...
  11. H

    Mess Revitalization

    Hey Everyone Thanks so much for the replies Brihard, Thanks for the info and I totally agree on your idea that paint and furniture are not what makes a mess however we are trying to make the mess a little more inviting. The entire mess membership feels that a little colour would go along way so...
  12. H

    Mess Revitalization

    I have been told that the use of public works or public funds would result in the same wall colour and same floors and would only be done if the PW deemed it as necessary. So I was kinda scepticle going that route but it never hurts to try. As well our regiment is split over three garrisons with...
  13. H

    Mess Revitalization

    Hello Everyone, I have recently become the VPMC at our reserve regiment. We have always wanted to bring some colour and life to our coy's Jr's mess but have never had any funds to do it. We would really like to paint, change the flooring and purchase furniture. We are currently stuck with white...
  14. H

    Collar Dogs and Cap Badges

    Where did you source them. Looking to do the same but not sure where to source. Thanks
  15. H

    Join the DART team

    What about Reserve Infantry members who want to join the Defence and Security Platoon. Is it possible?
  16. H

    Field Phone

    Can Anyone remember what the model is we're currently using as the canadian field phone. I was looking to get one but i cant seem to find them anywhere??