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  1. R

    BMQ Age group

    55? is that not CRA?
  2. R

    Questions about a 5(d) release

    Why do you think the Navy would be easier than the Army? Thats just the feeling I am getting while reading your post?!
  3. R

    Pilot- arts applicants vs science

    Yes smitty it's true, ask anyone who has not passed CAPPS, (like myself) I can redo if I get my PPL. They also told us that, when we were there. They (the staff) also told us about 1 guy who failed, then got PPL and passed, and about another guy who failed, got PPL failed again, then got CPL...
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    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    not to mention, that if you are serving already, you should keep the same pay!
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    Armour PD1 training questions [Merged]

    We do deploy alot and will for awhile. We do get atts from RCD and 12 RBC for some rotos's. The reason being is that yes all tanks were shipped out west (for their final resting place) and now there is a need for them so we got new ones. I heard (through no official channels of course) that the...
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    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    Yes it's too bad there are no definitive answers. If this is going to be an ongoing program, maybe they will come out with some regulations regarding it. As MG said, good luck with your decision!
  7. R

    Looking for Master Corporal? Robert Northey

    Hey, Rob was posted to the LdSH(RC) was promoted to Sgt, he is now posted to the school at Borden. PM Me your info (e-mail) and I will send him a message.
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    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    MG, Yes I think you are right, I think it was something like that, as for the certain level of training, they had to be qualifies their trade before promotion, I know phase 4 for Armoured is the Troop leader course. So basically you had to be qualified the trade before promotion. I wonder how...
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    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    Sorry Meridian I thought you had a message already. There were a 4 people on my BOTP that were direct of the street, that were CEOTP and had no previous exp. They were promoted to 2Lt as soon as BOTP was done. Kincan,  I don't have a degree, and am a 2Lt, I will be promoted to Lt in April...
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    CEOTP (Continuing Ed Officer Trg Plan) 2003-2018 [Merged]

    My CEOTP message said "promoted to 2Lt upon completion of BOTP, backdated to 30 April 07" and I do not have a degree. You do not need a degree to be promoted (up to Captain) as some others pointed out. The CEOTP program says that you "have to be working towards a degree by the end of your 25...
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    ROTP civie

    This doesn't make sense, really, someone gets an ARMY trade before BOTP, then after they get the AIRFORCE trade they wanted?! Seems like alot of un nec logistical work!
  12. R

    ROTP 2008 - Limbo for a year?

    Since you are going to Civi U, you should have (ask the rec center) a ULO (unit Liason Officer), you will belong to a BTL (Base Training List) where you will prob have to show up to work everyday and do umm...well "paperwork" get familiiar with the term PA (put away) it will be something the...
  13. R

    IAP in Kingston

    I don't think (my OWN opinion) any IAP or BOTP (or whatever we call it this week) should be done at the mega, not saying Officers are better, just that I think they need a different training environment. Maybe at campus St Jean, or Chiliwack (kinda like the old days) or hell ya Kingston, then...
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    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Sure, I'll see what I can do!! It doesn't look as good without all the lines, but you get the jist!! oh ya just in case, where it says "FOl-French Only" it means that they  (The Francos) have to take English Occupational Level Linguistic Requirements Profil linguistique requis selon le...
  15. R

    Second Language Training ( SLT )

    Here is a link from the BPSO in Edmonton, shows what trades need what in regards to profiles! http://edmonton.mil.ca/1asg/asu%20web/bpso/Lang%20Reqrs%20-%20Offrs%20by%20Occ%20--%20Besoins%20Ling%20-%20Offs%20par%20GPM%20--%2020-08-2007.xls
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    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    I think it would only be a "mis-diagnosis" if the medical staff gets all the proper info from said soldiers! I am not a medic, but have dealt with soldiers before, they don't always give out the proper info!! If she wanted to be in the Army sooooo bad as she said, I bet she didn't put up a fight...
  17. R

    Single Quarters & Rations (R&Q) [MERGED]

    Otto, one of the Sgt's currently working for me is IR and lives on the economy, he gets $1700 to pay for rent, parking (if it costs extra) furniture rental, etc so that is something to look into. As for the R+Q issue, when I was a Sgt doing my rounds while on duty, you seen some pretty horrible...
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    Celticgirl, just so you know, Ft Mcmurray (albeit in Northern Alberta) I don't think it is considered a "norther community" it has (I think the last time I was there) about 70 000 people living there (I am sure ballz could give you the exact amount) It has quite a few major commodities!
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    perhaps you were going to a dry camp (and you missed it in the instructions)....but I digress, when I joined, I only needed copies of my transcripts. but that was awhile ago
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    Leopard Exhaust - Psychological Warfare or Not

    I am not qualified Leo D+M, but I have heard many different MBT engines, my understanding is that the different "whines" in more modern type tanks (M1's, Etc..) is due to the turbine engines, as opposed to the Leo C2 diesel engine! When I was Recce (like others in WX) I hated sitting there at...