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  1. R

    A Sqn 8CH

    Knowing you Frank, you DO NOT deserve any extra pay!! hahaha Hows the convicts?
  2. R

    A Sqn 8CH

    Kitching is a Captain now...but still in G-Town!
  3. R

    hypothetical situation

    My "Hypothetical guy" played rugby not hockey!
  4. R

    hypothetical situation

    We had a "hypothetical guy" in My Sqn overseas, his patrol had their C/S so loaded with kit, that his C8 fell out of the bin, out side of the camp, as they were leaving the camp (in Kabul). A patrol of Norwegians were coming into the camp moments later and noticed it on the way in. They picked...
  5. R

    May BMOQ?

    Shilo is not that bad, Brandon is very close, there is worst spots, Pet comes to mind for me, Nothing really there except for Pembroke, which sucks compared to Brandon. Yes Ottawa is "down" the road, but who wants to spend every weekend in a hotel? Also, I believe your first posting after St J...
  6. R

    Internal CEOTP 2009 Competition

    Pretty sure this is standard, 2 years ago I did not get my message till 1st week of April.
  7. R

    Ok, I have some questions. (Please dont just tell me to read the FAQ)

    I have been duped, my last 14 years in the Armoured Corps, I also I thought I was at the pointy end....along with my friends in the CER, and the other Combat Arms, and anyone attached to said units!
  8. R

    Ok, I have some questions. (Please dont just tell me to read the FAQ)

    If you want to go Armoured in the future, why not do it in the Reserves, if you have a unit near you, that way you might be able to get some courses written off when you do transfer over.
  9. R

    Armoured Support Troops

    Sorry MCG, I was not specific, but once again George is right, our assault troopers used to set up, IED's and other "harassing" obstacles, not take them apart!
  10. R

    Armoured Support Troops

    I liked Assault Troop, back when it was Assault Troop, the problem was just before it was phased out, it became a dumping ground. The Assault Troop course (in my Regt) was basically just a glorified Inf sect. They didn't do demo course, and didn't do any of the "cool" ied/wire...etc. I think...
  11. R

    Officer going NCM... does IAP BOTP CAP count for anything?

    What trade are you thinking of going, this could also help your decision, and if I may ask, why do you want to transfer?
  12. R

    Officer positions

    Infanteer, I was talking to one of the OC's at the mess, (from 1VP) and he said they were short of Officers for those postions, he said there were like 3 Officers for 6 positions or something like that (I was a little wobbly, and wasn't really paying too much attention), as for the Jr Inf...
  13. R

    Officer positions

    Well George, agree or not, those are the numbers on the Edmonton Garrison BPSO website. Yes sometimes you have to promote or move people as you indicated, but as some of the others have pointed out, right now the Snr NCM ranks are very short, I know in my Regt it is very very short, and I know...
  14. R

    Officer positions

    The only problem with the CFR program is that you can be a MCpl, but usually at least a Sgt to go the CFR route and also must have 10 years experience, and UTPNCM, although you can be a Cpl or higher, you have to do school first, so you lose the SA of whats going on right then on the battlefield...
  15. R

    Officer positions

    Old Seat and DA got it right on the head, we need Capt's, so hire lots of young'uns and hopefully down the road we will have enough that stick around! Sucks if you don't get troop time, but we need staff officers too! Oh just as a side note old sweat, we have 2 LdSH(RC) Officers that are going...
  16. R

    Officer positions

    I can't talk about an Infantry Officer job, but an Armoured Officer spends more time behind the desk, then behind the controls. The only "field" time we see is when we do a Brigade Ex, or build up training for a tour. after training here is what to expect from Armoured O 1-3 years at the Regt...
  17. R

    CF PLQ equivalent to BOTP?

    Benny, My BOTP ended this past December, the 7th December of 07, so it was quite recent! As I stated before, get a PLAR done it can't hurt, also like others said, make sure your MPRR is up to date, I am sure the other Armoured (thats all I know so all I will comment about) can attest that an...
  18. R

    Too Big/Tall for Armoured?

    I have a friend that is 6'7"" he fits in the coyote fine, a little cramped, but its what he wanted to do!
  19. R

    CF PLQ equivalent to BOTP?

    Having gone through this myself, I can tell you that if you are plq qualified, BOTP is a waste of time. On day 2 of our course, the PL WO asked why we were there, and he was told from his COC that if a PLAR was done (as it was supposed to be) most would have had a BOTP bypass and would have only...
  20. R

    BOTP this summer

    Everyone has to be the same, so if someone doesn't have cadpat, then it's paper!!!