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Search results

  1. sigtech

    Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

    [Rant Begins] I couldn't say it better my self Vern. Hell I would dish my own money out without a second thought for good boots. The yanks are aloud to do just that , as long as they are military in look they are aloud to wear what ever footwear they choose. I worked with a bunch of of them a...
  2. sigtech

    Doctor / Medical Officer Recruiting Questions

    Now I don't work in the Medical Field but.... 1) That depends on where you are posted but we are all considered to be 24 and 7 so we can be called in at anytime and work extended hours. Such is the life of service. 2) you bet your bippy, you could be deployed a lot more then that once you do a...
  3. sigtech

    Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

    Personal experience , I to have a chit that states "member requires boots to fit orthotics". I spent two years having them make me so called custom boots that tore the hell out of my feet. It took a shin splint operation and a ortho to write me a chit for Bates or Danner boots. When i went in...
  4. sigtech

    Calling home from Afghanistan

    MSN should work via VOIP do to packet size and compression. MSN has a high compression rate so you lose some of the quality for a higher guarantee of being able to connect.
  5. sigtech

    Memo number for OT

    Gi if you would like send me a PM I have a file nos listing the major numbers used for memo's. Good thing to have and it has saved a ton of time. Cheers
  6. sigtech

    Point of interest for BPSO? TYPO changed my life.

    +1 Mover for you excellence in grammatical observation
  7. sigtech

    UFC Stuff - Merged

    Bisbing is the worse type of fighter , he lacks the class to admit when the other fighter did a better job. From what I saw Bisbing will not stay undefeated for to long. As soon as the UFC puts him in with any fighter that is half good such as KOS he will go down in a big way.  :skull:
  8. sigtech

    Calling home from Afghanistan

    My only worrie for you is that if you are planing to use VOIP from what I am hearing the bandwidth is limited and mite not be wide enough for you to get a clear call threw.
  9. sigtech

    Pea's Story...

    remember just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward Good Work Troop :salute:
  10. sigtech

    Marksman/Distinguished Marksman badge on DEUs wearing/regulations

    Something that works for me so I don't confuse my left and right , hold you hands out in front of you thumbs out, the one that makes the L is your left ;D cheers
  11. sigtech

    An American journalist's views on our contribution (and others)

    Mattsanchez Matt I will fight and lay my life on the line for you right to speak you mind ie your freedom of speech. My family has done so for years, for both sides of the border Please get you facts correct before posting them, incorrect facts is a sign of a lazy writer. Here is one for...
  12. sigtech

    To gain muscle and lose fat, drink milk

    To lose weight, you have to eat less and exercise more! OberstSteiner I agree with TN21C , you have to be carful with the statement of eat less and exercise more. If you are working out allot and cutting cals you can end up over training and holding on to you fat stores. you body goes into...
  13. sigtech

    The Geek Test:

    19.9211% - Geek And I am a Tech a little low I think :)
  14. sigtech

    An American journalist's views on our contribution (and others)

    The Sad part is people like my Great Uncle, my uncle and my father layed there life's down during WWII. Family in Korea and now me in today's armyin both the American and Canadian Forces. They put their life on the line to defend there freedom. Now why I say it is sad is the reason they can go...
  15. sigtech

    An American journalist's views on our contribution (and others)

    To Quote a bumper sticker If you can't stand behind our troops try standing in front of them Sounds like a case of I wanted to be a real Soilder but I couldn't hack it...... There will always be loud mouths that spew deification from there pie holes, with out backing of facts the majority of...
  16. sigtech

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    To Play devils advocate I understand your issue the recurting system fails at times , but why get out , take the time build some rank senority and get paid to do it. Remember if you get out it could take a long time to get back in. Trades you are interested in can be closed faster then you...
  17. sigtech

    hmmm My new running record.. comment please

    Great time but I am one of those members that couldn't do a 12 K run, now a ruck march bring it on. Keep it up but like Command-Sense-Act 105 said get use to moving with some Wight on your back. aerobic fitness is important but so is anaerobic and muscle endurance, sounds to me you have the...
  18. sigtech

    Pea's Story...

    Great First step taken a negitive and turning it to a positive.... Good on ya Great work
  19. sigtech

    Verification of Former Service (VFS) [Merged]

    No the recruiting system shouldn't be used as a OT facilitartor, this slows down the process for new members joining. If you don't like you trade spend your time and ot later, you can OT our of Red Flagg trades it just takes longer then a normal OT