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  1. D

    Exploiting reservists' love of their regiments

    What is the current parading strength of the Calgary Highlanders? Are they sending 64 of 120, or 64 of 250? DG
  2. D

    What's the PAM that has callsigns in it?

    I couldn't find ACP 125 in our PAM library, but I did find Precis 169 from the Armoured School, dated 1979 (!) In it, it has the callsigns for Armd, inf, and Arty Regiments. And I note that the chart that lists them is headed ACP 125 CANSUPP-1(A) DG
  3. D

    What's the PAM that has callsigns in it?

    Grr. Curse the DIN. I'm trying to find the PAM that has regimental callsigns in it - specifically the Adjt and the R Ops O. I thought it would be in "The Armoured Regiment in Battle" but it isn't, and "The Recce Regiment in Battle" appears to be defunct. Anybody got a reference to the right...
  4. D

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    Ah, but the Armoured Corps assumes that training bill for every one of its soldiers no matter how they are ultimately employed. Every single trooper will, through the course of their career, get the driver training, turret/gunnery training, and ultimately crew commander training "for free"...
  5. D

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    And the INFANTRY are saying that the cost of learning to deal with all this extra complexity is a reduction in the skills that go along with boots on the ground. There is only so much training time, and the time it takes to make a proficient crew commander and gunner - as you well know George -...
  6. D

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    Who? Those guys just share the same armouries as we do. I never talk to them. The "Infantry guys" I am hearing this stuff from are PPCLI and RCR, guys with tour experience. My history and social net are much deeper than can be gleaned from a quick read of my profile. Are you seriously going...
  7. D

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    George, I'm hearing this from the *infantry* guys. We are asking infantry section commanders to suddenly pick up the skillset of an armoured crew commander, while still requiring him to do his infantry section commanding job. And we're not just talking about the physical skills of moving...
  8. D

    Mech infantry or all light infantry with some Armd APC units?

    Nice in theory, but more difficult in practice. That worked in the post Brown Bess, pre-Maxim days when you didn't need formed and drilled mass formations like you did with muskets (which required specialized training for the Infantry) The brass cartridge rifle made everybody into a skirmisher...
  9. D

    Where do the empty mags go?

    Quick question for those In The Know: You're in a firefight, in theatre. You empty a magazine, and change it out for a full one. Where does the empty one go? "Back in your TacVest" is the range solution, not the Real World solution - those are precious seconds wasted. What is current approved...
  10. D


    Ran into Timmy Scants on the ice at IRONSIDES. Our teams were playing each other, and we had one of those "Hey, aren't you...?" moments. Followed of course by a series of dead soldiers back in the shacks that night. He went back to school, crossed the wall, and is now a Tp Ldr with D Sqn RCD -...
  11. D

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Just remember: R - U - M - O - U - R - S.  I take no credit - or blame - for how things actually pan out. DG
  12. D

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    Well.... no, I don't think so. Assuming these rumours play out exactly like this, what you've got is a series of fully-manned Class B subunits (platoon/troop sized) per city, plus the skeleton organization to immediately expand these units to full Coy/Sqn size (by calling out the associated...
  13. D

    Divining the right role, capabilities, structure, and Regimental System for Canada's Army Reserves

    The rumours I have heard - and keep in mind that we're talking rumours here - is that the TDB task would be a secondary duty for the local units to fill. The idea being that if you have 3 units in a city with a TDB in it, each unit would detach people to fill their share of the class B...
  14. D

    Your Favorite Military Video Game

    Steel Beasts Professional http://www.steelbeasts.com DG
  15. D

    "Black Beret" - the Regimental History of the Windsor Regiment

    Concurrent with the Windsor Regiment's 70th anniversary reunion this past weekend was the release of "Black Beret", the unit's Regimental History book. Written by the same fine gentlemen who wrote the Armour Corps history and (I believe) the South Alberta's history. No library of any student...
  16. D

    Looking for Sylvain Martin

    You're going to have to provide more details than that - that's a pretty common name. DG
  17. D


    How about the Great Invasion of the Illes des Madilaines? - Piping Plover... err, KFC on the beach? - One of the H. brothers getting into it with... just about everybody. - The little "accident" with 41's sleeping bag? - Me and Bolt making Dave MacD. sleep with his head outside the tent so...
  18. D


    Would have been... late '96 maybe? We were doing an ex out in the county, and the boys found an old WW2-era ML out in the bush. They lured me and WO McG. (Tp WO) out to have a look at it, and while we were gone, jammed a smoke grenade into my rifle clip and tied the lid to the door. (why did...
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    Hey, I remember that ex. After he finished gassing you guys, he had one left over and he threw it in the back of my MRT while I was in there. I just kicked the damn thing out and kept going, but my cam net was full of gas and I'd sneeze my fool head off every time I cammed the truck. In a...
  20. D

    Air Force's CADPAT name-tag & rank

    I'm not a big fan of the blue stitching, but the solid OD backing makes a lot of sense. The legibility of the CADPAT name tags and slipons is effectively zero, no matter what colour the stichng is. DG