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  1. x-zipperhead

    Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

    The beer makes it all worthwhile ;D
  2. x-zipperhead

    Allowances - Post Living Differential (PLD) [MERGED]

    Better be about a $4000.00 per year savings in child care as that is about how much more you'll be paying in income taxes on a $60,000 per year salary.  Maybe if you crunch the numbers it is worth it but that $5 a day daycare comes with a price......much higher taxes.
  3. x-zipperhead

    Questions about Marriage in the CAF [Merged]

    Your CO has the authority to grant a certain amount of short or special leave.  When I was married in '98 my CO gave me some special leave.  It wasn't alot, 2 days or so, but it was greatly appreciated.   I used it in conjunction with my annual leave.  Many CO's I have had have also granted up...
  4. x-zipperhead

    Ottawa to fund relaunch of CMR

    Just trying to buy more political favour in seat-rich Quebec to help them shore up the prospect of a majority which seems to be slowly slipping away.  IMHO.  I agree with dapaterson that there are plenty of higher priorities for that $10M per year. 
  5. x-zipperhead

    TN2IC VOT?

    I spent many years in the Armour Corps before VOTing to my current trade.  I loved it, especially the comraderie and espirit de corps.  I would just recommend giving lots of thought to your reasons for VOT.  If there are things that are peeving you off at you present job, there may be other ways...
  6. x-zipperhead

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    blackadder1916, Great link, thanks.  I have never been to any of those "table 2" countries and all those "table 3" countries I have been to would not have been via a country where yellow fever occurs.  That would explain my experiences.   
  7. x-zipperhead

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    Ouch.  That'll learn ya.  I was lucky I had a new one recopied from my 2034 and the Wing Immunization Database
  8. x-zipperhead

    BMQ / BMOQ - Medical, Dental, Mental health questions [Merged]

    Any examples?  I am not doubting you.  I am just curious, really.  I have been to alot of different countries and I have never once (that I can remember anyway) had to produce an immunization book for entry. Edited to add comment in brackets because the same memory that makes me forget where my...
  9. x-zipperhead

    Occupational Transfer...

    Be a strong performer in your current trade.  Keep a positive attitude.  Learn all you can about the trade you wish to OT to.  Reflect upon why you want to OT, what you expect in your new trade and what you can bring to your new trade and be prepared to discuss these things in your BPSO...
  10. x-zipperhead

    Pay FY 07/08

    Agreed, I don't expect to hear anything soon. Which is exactly what I believe 7-10's question was.  Not that long ago we got pre-approved messages covering 3 fiscal years.  Not to put words in 7-10's mouth but I believe that was all he was asking,  if last years message covered more than...
  11. x-zipperhead

    Pay FY 07/08

    If you take a look at this table of historic pay rates, you will see that we have indeed had a pay raise every singly FY since April 96.  I agree that a pay raise is not a sure thing but I wouldn't say that 7-10's assumption was that far out in left field...
  12. x-zipperhead

    Pay FY 07/08

    7-10, I know what you were getting at.  I can remember some pay raises years ago where in one message they would announce a raise of X% for FY X, and Y% for FY Y and Z% for FY Z.  That wasn't the case last year.  It was anounced for FY06/07 and that's it. 
  13. x-zipperhead

    Budget 2007 - 19 Mar 07 1600

    Yeah, you're right, they didn't mention anything about UAV's?  ;D
  14. x-zipperhead

    Cpl Kevin Megeney NSH - 06 March 2007

    Rest in peace, troop.  :salute: :cdn: My thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends, loved ones and comrades of Cpl. Megeney. 
  15. x-zipperhead

    Feud over cash leaves soldiers' children waiting for special care

    All of the ugly politics and BS aside, if I were in the situation this is the route I would go.  We all, as military, are covered for this under PSHCP.
  16. x-zipperhead

    Feud over cash leaves soldiers' children waiting for special care

    Shameful........disgusting really, putting politics before children.  Who the **** is this minister to decide under what circumstances the psychological injury was incurred are to be eligible. +1 In the meantime can't parents access private therapy with a child psychologist and be reimbursed...
  17. x-zipperhead

    Military Police Assessment Centre (MPAC)

    You are correct.  I did the MPAC in 2003, in Valcartier, when I did my VOT.  I ended up being offered an OT to AES Op as MP was my second choice.  I can tell you that, yes, they do tell you to not talk about the process with anyone.  If I remember correctly they even have you sign some form of...
  18. x-zipperhead

    Thinking of going Army, some important questions.

    The CF is made up of many different types of people with many different beliefs, be them political, social, dietary, whatever.  Don't be fooled by stereotypes. If I were you, this is what I would spend some time reflecting on.
  19. x-zipperhead

    Substantial Retroactive Pay

    Too true....too true.....
  20. x-zipperhead

    Substantial Retroactive Pay

    It's a 50+% kick in the ass, that's for sure.  I had a $5000 dollar retro lump sum a few years ago and I feel your pain.  It was just as geo described; because it is done automatically, they deducted taxes as though I made that amount ($5000 + my regular months salary) every month. You should...