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  1. T

    The German Army

    The reason Canada does not have mandatory military service, and never will is a direct result of the beliefs of which the country was founded on. Freedoms in particular. If its mandatory, then you remove the freedom to choose. How could we allow ourselves to be so hypocritical here in Canada...
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    getting into the infantry

    Gunnar was refering to Canadian demographics. The average family in Canada has approx 2.3 children. Now quite obviously you can‘t have a 3rd of a child, but thats the average since some families clearly have more then 2 and some less. Hehe, good rant though :mg:
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    getting into the infantry

    You think the Canadian forces sexist in the first place? Don‘t join for the wrong reasons, IE: To prove a point that women can do the job just as well as men. We already understand this, don‘t try to do what our mothers did back in the 60‘s. The army is well aware of equal rights. If...
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    i dont understand??

    I find it funny that a lot of people gripe about Canada‘s military being too small. Yes, it is small, and could use an expansion. But look at Canada‘s population for chr*st‘s sake. Approx 35,000,000 people. Take a look at the United states, approx 250,000,000 people. Slight difference...
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    Go figure!- McCallum Will Not Hire More Soldiers- Article

    Talk about making guys feel abandonned. They are gonna cut people or at least not be overly concerned with increasing the ranks for the sake of new gadgets. albiet the upgraded tools are much need, I still say they need to be willing to accept more people if people come. I mean, what about...
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I doubt it, besides, you may as well wait until you turn 17 anyways, every day you learn something new so you might even achieve a better CFAT as a result of holding out. Another option for you however, is to apply now, do your CFAT and PT test and by the time you get to swear in you likely...
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    Basic Training

    No, it‘d be at least three times a year. One beginning in June, another in September, another in Jan.
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    Basic Training

    Ah sh*t. Was hoping to get in for september, cause my situation is getting worse and worse here. Was applying as regular NCO infantry, surely they don‘t have to think too hard on accepting us groundpounders?
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    Basic Training

    As I understand, there is going to be a new group starting June 17th, but since I plan to go into the recruitment office tomorrow, I highly doubt I‘ll be packed off and out to St.Jean‘s before then, so when would be the next Basic Training be held at? I‘ve also heard that basic is also held in...
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    That I‘d imagine really depends. There is a lot of uncertainty there obviously, because we don‘t exactly know what it is the military is looking for. But like anything else, preference for greater education is always given. So say if you did 10% better on the PT test then another guy, and you...
  11. T

    PM on crack?-Offers Us Up for More Peacekeeping-Article

    Then would that not make them regulars instead of reserves? lol. You can‘t have your cake and eat it too. If you want training like the regulars, you gotta go regular. Otherwise everyone would have just joined reserves. I however agree with the idea of sending in some reserves to help...
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    Going Infantry

    Well the physical stuff I have covered. I live with my friend and his family and we have a chin up bard downstairs. I can get about 20 to 25 on really good days and usually do 12 to 15 for practice anyways. The pushups, I did the other day the way they tell you to on the DND page (like you...
  13. T

    Going Infantry

    Planning to go to the recruitment office here in Victoria soon. Checked out the DND sites on joining and whatnot, but I‘m still unclear on much of the joining process. What should I expect to happen? If I am accepted, what happens then? Do I go home and wait for them to call me to go off to...
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    Drug use/drug testing in the CF (merged)

    Interesting comments thus far, and I believe this to be an important issue to be discussed. Not because anything will likely change, but it increases awareness and perspectives for people. Myself, I lived most of my life in Ontario, and the last 4 and a half years in Kingston Ontario (just...
  15. T

    Canada needs aircraft carriers to revamp military: retired general

    The real unfortunate thing is, that it would take another war of the scale of a world war before Canada would really increase the size and funding of its military. Perhaps that is just as well, since the value of increased military size and weapons has no value next to the countless lives...
  16. T

    Canada needs aircraft carriers to revamp military: retired general

    It‘s unfortunate but there really isn‘t any patriotism in big business and politics, or at least in Canada anyways. I‘m not saying it wouldn‘t be tough and difficult to do it with a Carrier, but since when has that ever been an impediment for the Canadian military. Maybe for the bueacrats in...
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    Canada needs aircraft carriers to revamp military: retired general

    Well it would be great to see, but again like Korus said, I don‘t see it happening. The military budget is slowly reduced, we can‘t afford most of what we already had. Why bother? A better idea would be to start getting the shipyards in Halifax working. Why not make our own ****ed Carriers...
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    Thanks for the posts and comments folks. Jungle, you misunderstand me. I never stated that I believed you needed a degree to be successful in society, I merely asked the question because from my own personal observations I‘ve been getting a strong sense of condescension towards NCO‘s and...
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    Hey there folks, I‘m a 19 year old male finishing high school. When I graduate, my marks wont be good enough to get into University right away, (i‘d probably have to do a year of college then get accepted). My problems in school and lack of marks has nothing to do with me being stupid, or...
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    Well I‘m a 19 year old student graduating this year. No I never failed a year, I was in Ontario during OAC (aka grade 13) and moved out to BC during xmas. I lived in my own apartment in Kingston Ont for about 8 months prior to comming out here, and as such school suffered. My grades aren‘t...