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  1. T

    Tye Dye; because hippies are SOOOOOOOOO cool

    Point well made Muskrat. And there is no debating that. When push comes to shove, if I had to rely on someone who wasn‘t giving it his best, then no - I wouldn‘t rely on said individual. My only contention however, is that we are way to quick to judge Lui. He may seem careless, but thats...
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Bert nailed it. Thats the one. I just a friend of mine to write up similiar things using the various examples. He then sends me the small test and I complete it as fast as I can and as accurately as I can. If you can‘t do that, then at least read that site thoroughly, its great.
  3. T

    Tye Dye; because hippies are SOOOOOOOOO cool

    Again, thats merely your opinion, and your welcome to express it. But at the end of the day, you‘ve never met Lui in real life. You haven‘t a clue what he is really like and how he really acts. For all you know, he could be saying some of the stuff he says merely to antagonize and to...
  4. T

    Injured Military Members Compensation Act

    They want to upgrade the military and yet they are offering up to 250,000 for a missing toe? wtf. I understand that a person who lost their toe aint getting that much, but still. These people have a right to some compensation thats for sure. And wtf do colonel‘s and above need it for? How...
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    Tye Dye; because hippies are SOOOOOOOOO cool

    Guys, you might not likely lui, or what he says. But thats your perogative. I‘ve read all the recent postings, and commentaries. You guys are just saying sh*t to him now without any real good or valid points. You don‘t like his attitude, fine, say it and get on with life. Doesn‘t mean you...
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    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I wouldn‘t worry about it. It‘s pretty well really **** hard to screw up getting into the infantry. Unfortunately, they aren‘t looking so much for brains to fill the position. Its one of those things that increases the social stereotypes against the army, and those people who are in the...
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    Saving Private Ryan/Band of Brothers

    Regardless of the inherent flaws in a cineamatic movie with regards to portraying realism, SPR I believe was a good movie anyways. I‘ve never been able to track down BoB, I really want to see it. I‘ve been a fan of war movies for a while, at least the ones that are paying some tribute to the...
  8. T

    Why do you do it?

    Everyone is entitled their own opinion. Regardless, your comment seems oddly out of place in this thread. (sorry for getting off topic here, but I couldn‘t let it pass.) I believe Rob was looking for reasons why people are in the forces, not comments about what you think of those reasons...
  9. T

    Life in the army

    We don‘t have pvt‘s either.
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    Why do you do it?

    Well I‘m 19 and finding out that my direction in life hasn‘t been in fact any direction that leads to a worthwhile destination. So I decided to do a little soul searching if you will. People say that you should pick a career that you will enjoy, and I wondered what I‘d enjoy for a career. I...
  11. T

    Basic Training Question

    lol, what a sh*tty policy. I had soccer coaches that were meaner. I was looking forward to the full metal jacket kinda Basic, but I suppose I can settle for more humane treatment.
  12. T

    Basic Training Question

    Sh*tty, I was looking forward to having to increase the ammount I already can do. I figure your there for 10 weeks, with PT every day, you should be able by the end of it to do an extra 15 to 25% more (at least depending on your general level of fitness before hand).
  13. T

    Uncle Lew criticizes UN

    Credentials have little to do with opinions. And thats just it, he is expressing an opinion right or wrong. Props to him for going for it. Still doesn‘t make it any more right then mine. You believe because hes earned his rank he has more credibility that I do, well good for you. I never...
  14. T

    Feu de joie

    Was the major french? Maybe you misunderstood him, and what he really said was. "I have not had a Soup du Jour in 17 years" ? ? hehe But on a serious note, I have no idea myself. Sounds neat though, and tasty...
  15. T

    Uncle Lew criticizes UN

    I totally disagree, his comments were at best mildly informative. But all in all, it was sh*t. He portrays a picture of a failing and aging UN, by highlighting a few recent events. Neglecting to mention the few recent success. Neglecting to mention continued efforts to rectify failures or...
  16. T

    what are they looking for?

    The f*ck are you talking about? Look at your intial post: You call that simple and precise? Hardly. It‘s insulting and beligerent. Get off the high horse already, and stop acting like you‘re never in the wrong. For anyone with a decent memory, its relatively easy to come up with where...
  17. T

    infantry reserves

    Not exactly familiar with the process of joining the Reserves, but if you have a recruitment office near you go there. There really is no better information then that from a direct source. They‘ll give you an application and explain everything you need to know there. Good luck with joining.
  18. T

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Sorry I hadn‘t responded anytime recently, didn‘t see this posting. I‘d highly recommend against it. You can still write your CFAT, get the medical done, the PT test done, and have your interview done before you graduate though. Go into your nearest recruiting centre when you turn 17 (or...
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    The FN C1 - Service Rifle of the Past (and C7A1 vs FN C1A1)

    As I understand it, the RCMP and JTF2 still have mp5‘s for counter terrorism purposes in civillian settings. Doubt they‘d be getting rid of them any time soon either.
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    Pay: Statements, Backpay, Benefits, Deductions (Taxes, T4), Deployed ect... [MERGED]

    As a reg in the infantry your looking at approx $23,000 a year. Not much. But consider that for your first year your spending almost all of your time in training, and at the facilities so the cost of living is dramatically reduced. If your smart with your money, you‘ll find that you‘ll have...