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  1. T

    Running at BMQ. Do they time you?

    Well im just starting my third week here at Saint-jean of BMQ.  I can tell you a bit about the running.  Like someone else said, they will issue you a pair of runners regardless of what you bring, for myself I found them to be clunky and poor for running.  But whatever works right? As for PT...
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    Infantry officer Phase training lengths?? As well as other questions...

    Don't know anything about the Officer side of things, but as far as Para companies are concerned, don't count on it.  The current structure of Airborne troops works very well I think, keeping the commando's with various parent companies.  I was told by a guy who retired from 1RCR recently who...
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    Battle School

    So those of us going 031 do our basic like everyone else, then another generalized course for all Army personnel which is almost 10 weeks in itself, and then we go to our trade course? Heh, well, I'm sure by the time my basic is finished they will have changed everything around again anyways. ...
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    Packing for Basic [MERGED]

    Yeah, I recieved my information package a little while back listing the things I will require for Basic Trainning.  I was curious however, is there anything not listed that some of you guys already in the forces care to recommend we bring to basic that will likely be used? And as for the Iron...
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    Advanced MOC trainning?

    Another one eh?  Heh, you've mistaken enthuiasm for some of the more interesting parts of the trade for over zealous newbism I think Da_man.  And well put Infanteer, I had figured that was to be the way of it.  As a side note, I don't think guys who are currently in the forces right now should...
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    Advanced MOC trainning?

    I was also curious, once I've completed basic, and the basic moc for infanteers, how does further trainning work?  Will I get a choice to apply for various trainning and the order they come in?  or do I get whatever they offer should they even offer it? Also, if I'm given a choice what courses...
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    Temperate CADPAT in Afghanistan?

    Just curious, was looking at a thread earlier with pictures posted.  And noticed that the soldiers were wearing the Arid Terrain gear.  I haven't been following the latest on equipment, but when the first rotation of troops and second went to Afghanistan they were wearing the regular CADPAT...
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    Joining... and the process.

    Well, I started the joining process back in September 2003, and I‘m almost in. I just thought I could provide an example of the recruitment process which probably is typical in many ways. Bare in mind that this is for an NCO joining regular force, I don‘t know if it would be much different for...
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    Getting in

    Well I‘ve gone through the preliminary recruitment process now. Just waiting on how my medical checks out, so another 3 to 5 weeks of waiting until I hear back from them. Everything checked out in the medical part, 20/20 vision, hear just fine. The only sheets I had to take to my family doc...
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    I‘m assuming you are referring to a regular nco in this case. As for A) The answer various. For instance, if your joining Infantry you get packed off to basic training, and afterwards you can choose which Battalion you want to join. It just so happens that PPCLI is looking so you‘d likely be...
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    If Canada Got Overrun, Would We Use Terrorist Tactics?

    What nuclear exchange? Canada has no nuclear weapons buddy. The heck are you talking about? Nuclear radiation would spread into the US for certain, regardless, no president would consider the use of nuclear weapons in this day and age for the simple fact of the public opinion. Not to mention...
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    Favourite War Movies

    Didn‘t see anything wrong with the portrayal of the men of Easy Company in Band of Brothers. The movie was pretty well an accurate depiction of the events, with artistic license thrown in. Lets not forget that Easy Company, of the 101st Airborne suffered a 150% fatality rate in WW2. Did...
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    Tarnak Farm Inquiery

    Thats likely a result of your Internet Explorer‘s security features. For whatever reason, this board doesn‘t work well with higher security features on most browsers, (perhaps mike will update the cookies in the future) anywho, go to Tools then Internet options and select the Security tab...
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    The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

    Foolish for wasting my time, heh, but I don‘t mind. A spare minute everyday here or there spent trying to ridicule other foolishness is time well wasted in my opinion. Yes, it does make it right. Since sexual orientation is a superficial classification of individuals. Since other individuals...
  15. T

    The Merged Thread on Gay/ Homosexual Topics and the CF.

    lol, I can‘t tell if he is naive, or honestly that beligerent. Are you suggesting that because someone has a different sexual preference then what is considered "normal" that consideration into the idea of offering them less rights then anyone else? What kind of stup*d f*ckin idea is that...
  16. T

    Billion dollar increase....

    This topic always seems to come up, and it always leaves some interesting answers coupled with a few more interesting questions. This has been changing in recent years, at least I‘ve heard from primary sources (friends who are officers in the military). They are getting more strict on the...
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    Preparing To Join

    It‘s like any company, they (DND) only wants the best on their team. So yes, your physical capabilities and your education will be factors in selection. They aren‘t particularly hard pressed for recruits right now, so having only the bare-minimum for both will drag you down a bit. Scoring...
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    Staying in the Army

    Depends what trades you take. The lowest for NCM is 3 years, and thats in infantry. In contrast, 5 years is minimum for marine engineering mechanic. For the officer, same deals. 7 years is the lowest I‘ve seen, with up to 9 if you become a doctor or pilot. As mentioned before, its all...
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    Self Evaluation and Preparing for Fitness Test & Course.

    Hehe, when I was fifteen I was doing a 100 easily. Now I‘m doing far less, but I‘m still really well above the minimum. amusing how different we get as we get older.