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  1. F

    Borden vs St. Jean

    St. jean and Borden will both seem like a joke walk once you start sq in Meaford.  :threat:
  2. F

    looking for insight!!

      So i finished basic and was in my third week of sq when family issues started and i put in the vr, But just as things started to get better at home from that it just went alot worse and now i'm just really confused and depressed and want to pull my vr but now after 3 weeks of sitting on...
  3. F

    To excited to wait for the surprise!

    Holy shit guys.  Never did I say cf members don't deserve respect. Stop twisting words and incinuating BS.  If i thought otherwise i'd be going for a citizenship change and joining the marines instead of the CF. I know it's hard to read tone on these forums so no bad blood, or disrespect to...
  4. F

    BMQ nov 21st

    No.....didn't know that's how it worked. When i finished everything, i ment that my medical, physical and tests were all done. So if i'm waiting to get something back from Ottawa i guess i'll see you all in 2020!
  5. F

    To excited to wait for the surprise!

    I just noticed this. Whats with your hard-on for the marines?   LOL......I just see and hear so much about them , and feel they deserve alot of respect.
  6. F

    BMQ nov 21st

    Man, I finished everything at the first of the month. Hope i get a call soon.
  7. F

    To excited to wait for the surprise!

      Yeeeeeaaaahhhhh.........I'll get right on that one.  ::)
  8. F

    To excited to wait for the surprise!

    You guys are making the CF seem like a trip to Disneyland compared to the marines! lol....The marines do look fun though.
  9. F

    To excited to wait for the surprise!

    So what's it like when you first walk off that bus and are so (kindly greeted) by your drill sgt?.....I just watched some vid's on the US Marines web site( rather entertaining) and was just hoping for a warm rececption as well. Almost made it seem like volenteering for jail time.Don't get me...
  10. F

    Folks Going To BMQ Quebec, Nov.6th

    where from nb?   SJ here!
  11. F


    Sounds like your gonna do fine to me guy.....i'm quite bigger and can help with your ruck if you help with my running seeing how i'm a very bad runner......teamwork brother.....just giver!
  12. F

    MERGED BMQ thread - 7 Nov - 10 Feb serial

  13. F

    MERGED BMQ thread - 7 Nov - 10 Feb serial

    I just hope my gf doesn't leave me for a guy like this while i'm gone....i just couldn't compete! <MODERATOR EDIT: INAPPROPRIATE LINK>
  14. F

    MERGED BMQ thread - 7 Nov - 10 Feb serial

    What's wrong with his tat?...nothing..i like it....I have some pretty bad tats from the young and dumb days...but there a part of me know...and if people want to give me shit about em at bmq then they obviously don't have enough work to do or are just slackin.....people make there own decisions...
  15. F

    Breaking in new boots

    Are you the only one there with this problem?......If so I think i'd check with the medic.....depending on how concerned you are by it anyway....well...good luck and keep on given er man!
  16. F

    join at 17?

    That makes scence....thx!
  17. F

    join at 17?

    Can i ask why you have to go to the recruiting centre on the 13th for?......cause i was in on the 5th to finish up all my requirements and was accepted before to go in a year ago but still have no date of entry. Though the 31st would be a god send......just wondering anyway.
  18. F

    Small infantry man

    lol...thx guys....just most i've seen of infantry men.....there huge....part of his motive is to get huge so i'll give him credit for goin for it....but i know this guy and i guess i'm not being much of a friend for doubting him.  Thx for the boost of moral guys....cheers!
  19. F

    Small infantry man

      I have a close friend who just signed up for the infantry hoping to go through bmq with me.....but....This guy is only 150lbs and not very built...he is fast runner though but i don't think he'll be able to carry his weight in the field and quit in the fist few days.....Our recruiter had no...
  20. F

    a couple of questions!

    I guess i should have stated....how long in advance, know when going to bt!....my bad!