The CCG guards many things, like fisheries, environmental disasters and in general people’s livelihoods and well being. There are many ways to guard than with a gun.
I have given a first glance and was just going post it. I don’t know if the P-8 apprpriate because we either don’t know or can’t state the planes actually capabilities.
Should make a fun process to watch.
But people here really, really like the P-8.
we have bought off the shelf for some...
I didn’t think that Air and Infra swapped logs There used to be separate programs for new Hangars under the blueprint Infra in the DCA settings. Those programmed are no longer under Infra or air.
The short...
Like I said, the current government can do it in the fall of 2024 if they think they can win.
OK guys, none of us are fans of our current PM. We should, however, leave the vitriol and bile. It will scare away left leaning people who are interested in defence in general and the F-35 specifically...
They may have leaked by accident on purpose. Being a leak on this file could seriously f@ck up your life. Military and all. I worked for the the government and am still at risk for prosecution under Security of Information Act. I wouldn’t leak a thing without explicitly told to do it In...
Mixed blessing. To be fair, the Harper government had their 6 years too. Many people in Canada believe that defence is an option, whether a idealistic staunch conservative or painfully naive NDP followers.
It did prevent from the RCAF flying around in F-18s forever. The government will call an...
A series of governments has let Cold Lake down. The people there are wonderful. The infrastructure, quarters etc are horrible. The place lined with asbestos an a wall can’t be opened with the huge effort to keep the asbestos friable that nothing gets fixed. Etc etc.
That‘s what I meant by Shit...
I did not know that the NSM was MK41 compatible. There is something satisfying about the 1000lb warhead of the also stealthy LRASM
If the current government’s intentions of joining the ABM family are true then we’d need the SM-6 at least.
I also think we are getting our arms twisted.
I was wondering if the AGM-158C still has the capabilitit’s of the AGM-158B plus the ASuW capabilities. The Tomahawk V is also dual use cruise missile. I often don’t wonder clearly.
The space for more NSM launchers is a a premium. Many more antenna’s to locate/relocate.
I was reviewing the most recent PDF press release/graphic thing, on top of the change of the CMS, I just noticed that the Naval Fire Support Missile has changed from Tomahawk to ?.LRASM?
I have to much time on...
Cold Lake is a shit hole, and so is the base. Thank you for your service my ass.
Your correct. I didn’t say that. I was replying to the guy up thread.
I get that everyone wants Canada to get the P8. I was just pointing out limitations in putting all of the Capabilities in a 737ng or a A320neo.
Stroke aphasia problems: I left out ASuW accidentally. I was disappointed when they dropped Harpoon from the CP140. I guess they didn’t think that our warplanes should be offensive.
We should get the P8 if it suits us. My point is if we need more (5th generation battlespace management) we will need more than what Boeing offers. Or desn’t necessary fit in a current an/.
I was just speculating on potential P8s weaknesses. That’s alL.
Or if we tried to fit to much new...
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