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  1. medicineman

    Medical done but I am afraide

    Your bad cholesterol is in normal range...wouldn't panic that much
  2. medicineman

    Need to get strong enough to hold up the c6 or c9 similar to Call of Duty

    Kinda taking skull crushers to the extreme though isn't it?
  3. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Guess it's better than being cut TO eight weeks...
  4. medicineman

    Prescription Inserts Help

    Many moons ago, the dental techs/assistants were allowed to be issued prescription lenses (not inserts) for their ballistic eyewear for bedside assisting. I suppose you could buy some ballistic lenses in your Rx for a set of similar glasses, just make sure they're up to the specifications...
  5. medicineman

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    Dudes jamming to "Game of Thrones" theme music, showcasing a new custom line of Fenders... Though not a drummer, found this fun to watch as well...
  6. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Guy looked...
  7. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Don't see jump wings...so no?
  8. medicineman

    AGAIN With the "Poor Bears" and Bearskins in UK

    Through binos, in Banff or Kannanaskis, while they're being used as selfie material by mentally challenged tourists... They call the dump in Garden Hill "The Zoo", since there are lots of animals hanging out there...
  9. medicineman

    AGAIN With the "Poor Bears" and Bearskins in UK

    Bit late to the game here, but I think it would be probably a bit more pleasant and aesthetically pleasing to be using bearskins as opposed to something like foreskins other human skin products, such as this dude liked to make...
  10. medicineman


    So, this drug is a prescription only sedative-hypnotic, just works differently than benzodiazepine or tricyclic or "Z" drugs. He'll have to go through the usual stuff with the RMO - as to why's/wherefore's and if it's acceptable to be on it or not, what happens when he hasn't any access, etc...
  11. medicineman

    Canadian Combat Action Badge - Now A Dead Idea (Merged Threads)

    Try an extended family of them - duty staff at FDU(P) used to have a big stick that they'd put into the bin at an angle and then run away while all of them crawled up the stick to get out.
  12. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    My dad used to do 10BX religiously for years...unfortunately we came to immensely dislike the record he worked out to since he played it every night...
  13. medicineman

    Veteran medal?

    Maybe they should just buy a t-shirt...or join a CAV club...or the Legion...I at first thought that was a V4F logo, which would explain as well. Old dude dyslexia though :rolleyes: .
  14. medicineman

    Veteran medal?

    Someone's "I didn't get a CD or deployment so I made my own medal" medal?
  15. medicineman

    Tesla Cybertruck explodes in front of Trump Tower, Las Vegas - Terrorism Investigation

    Kind of makes you wonder if he left a bigger "Fuque You" lying around somewhere...
  16. medicineman

    Final medical interview done ...

    It's difficult to know how long it'll take - the pile of files of "Needs further review" is always higher than "Yup, no problem" and "There is no way". As AmmoTech90 notes, I'd be working on a Plan B, even if it's for a few years. If they're really set on getting into the CAF and the anxiety...
  17. medicineman

    U.S. Navy blue on blue- F-18 shot down over Red Sea

    Yup...even think I understood most of it...
  18. medicineman

    Merry Christmas 🎁⛄

    Merry Christmas all...Happy Channukah as well for those that celebrate, since they seem to be coinciding this year. I'm currently wrecking a few people's Xmas day today...bright side, got a call from the (not so) Mini Me in Latvia - doing ok there save some ROTO 0 (Yet again) issues.
  19. medicineman

    What are you listening to/fav type of music

    The band was pretty new when they did this