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  1. medicineman

    Medical Appeal Processing Time

    The Recruit Medical Office often rmoves at the speed of molasses crawling uphill in the dead of winter - simply put, it's can take months, depending on their staffing and how many cases there are ahead of you in the dreaded pile as well as the condition in question.
  2. medicineman

    USN Laser test successful UAS interdiction

    Smash some dishes too :p
  3. medicineman

    Renaming of MedTech and MedA

    My experience was this - usually a Cpl/MCpl at rifle coy HQ on Exercise. When I went to Croatia, we had 2 Cpl's and a WSE MCpl in our Company - on paper one per rifle platoon, if deployed on a full Coy Op, the Reserve Platoon Medic would assume the role of the Coy CCP. When I went to Kabul, 2...
  4. medicineman

    Police Officers doing good things

    I had good English teachers in school....and have a political hack for a brother :cool: .
  5. medicineman

    Police Officers doing good things

    Anything to take the light off the defendant...because it sounds like he was a pillar of the community just defending his right to free enterprise as a street pharmacist...
  6. medicineman

    USN Laser test successful UAS interdiction

    I guess with a name like HELIOS, it's a Greek space laser so shouldn't upset MTG too much?
  7. medicineman

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

    Shouldn't that read "New Russian diesel submarine fleet unveiled"?
  8. medicineman

    Justin Trudeau hints at boosting Canada’s military spending

    Reminds me of driving home from Wainwright one year and seeing our RQ ML rolled on its side with the trailer behind still upright...and one of the QM staff looking a lot dazed and confused
  9. medicineman

    Question regarding eye sight appeal

    Ummm, I'd be looking at your Plans B and C...I have my doubts you're refractive error is going to magically change in a year and a half in your favour, IMHO.
  10. medicineman

    Dreadnaught Submarine Model

    Well, imagine, a bunch of those as remote piloted/AI piloted drones with nuclear warheads and letting them loose in/around the Baltic, Arctic and Pacific fleet areas and cooking them off when needed?
  11. medicineman

    What book are you reading now?

    Cool book...even cooler Op. Reading "The Siege" by Ben McInnis...about the Iranian Embassy siege that half the world's acquaintances appear to have been with John McAleese on the balcony...gives a good in depth look at what was going on inside from hostage perspective, about the hostage takers...
  12. medicineman

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

  13. medicineman

    The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

    Machetes are a big deal up on the Rez's in Northern MB - last place I worked had used to have people get hacked up frequently by the half or full dozen. We had a murder in my community just before Christmas from one...then there were those meth heads in Sask that went on their cutting...
  14. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Would be a shame if they accidentally hit an unmarked shoal...
  15. medicineman

    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    Sounds great if you're a shack hack virus though...
  16. medicineman

    How can I practice land nav for BMOQA

    Google orienteering clubs or courses in your general area, download the maps, and try to hit the points, as some are actually hard marked. Or just join an orienteering club/association and practice where they train.