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Anybody else here feels like Canada and Denmark should just hold an unplanned joint naval exercise around Greenland right now?

And, I would immediately withdraw from OP CARIBE. After all, we now know that stopping drugs was just an excuse.
I'd say Naval with Amphibious landings with the Brits, and a Div sized Airborne drop into the higher north parts of it.
CICs are considered reserve officers eh ? Time earn that commision ladies and gentlemen. Doughnuts down, rifles up.
I'll bet the scout movement's really greatful to a civilian organization right now.
And yes , if it hit the fan we would be probably looking at both the leadership and older members.
Either as recruits or some sort of auxiliary, there's precedent during WW II on the Pacific Coast.
I'd like to know what forces Blair expects us to commit given our current situation. Unless we are about to OIC reserve units to active status and form a brigade off that
You have 3 Maneuver Bde's and a CS Brigade of Regulars, and a slew of Reservists -- like FYR and Afghan - at least initially you will have tons of eager takers.
10 years in, well you might be hard pressed...
You have 3 Maneuver Bde's and a CS Brigade of Regulars, and a slew of Reservists -- like FYR and Afghan - at least initially you will have tons of eager takers.
10 years in, well you might be hard pressed...
and just like Afghanistan we need 30% ARes augmentation just to sustain latvia. If we commit more then a Coy, we are going to burn out rather quickly
I'm going to take a contrarian view. Anyone who's read my posts will know that I'm a very strong supporter of Ukraine, but I don't think that Canada should commit to putting troops on the ground in Ukraine.

Our Army is already overstretched and in serious need of re-organization and re-equipping and I don't think we can afford (in personnel or equipment) a 2nd major European deployment.

We are part of NATO and having boots on the ground as a deterrent force protecting our treaty allies against possible Russian invasion makes Latvia an important symbolic deployment. Let the EU nations take the lead in providing the ground forces to enforce any Ukrainian peace deal.

We can continue to help train the Ukrainian military and continue to provide Ukraine with as much military hardware and financial support as we are able. We could also commit our Latvia fly-over Battalion to reinforce the European forces in Ukraine if they are attacked or threatened by Russia (and have a 2nd Battalion take over the Latvia fly-over tasking). We could do the same with the fighters we have committed to NATO.

I think our focus should be on making our Latvia deterrent as credible as possible and at the same time strengthening and fixing the rest of our Army rather than spreading it even thinner than it already is.
and just like Afghanistan we need 30% ARes augmentation just to sustain latvia. If we commit more then a Coy, we are going to burn out rather quickly
The first Afghan Rotos like Bosnia where 100% Regular.

I'm sorry I don't see the manpower issue - you have a Battle Group in Latvia - thus you have 2.5 Bde's at least at home.
As far as the Canadian Taxpayer tends think -- the Regular Army is only worth it's shilling when it is deployed.

Make Latvia a 3 year posting or akin to 4 CMBG in Germany - it should not be an albatross around the neck of the CA to do other issues.

Latvia with a Bde HQ and Btl Group is not a significant portion of the CA, to roll over and ignore other commitments.
The first Afghan Rotos like Bosnia where 100% Regular.

I'm sorry I don't see the manpower issue - you have a Battle Group in Latvia - thus you have 2.5 Bde's at least at home.
As far as the Canadian Taxpayer tends think -- the Regular Army is only worth it's shilling when it is deployed.

Make Latvia a 3 year posting or akin to 4 CMBG in Germany - it should not be an albatross around the neck of the CA to do other issues.

Latvia with a Bde HQ and Btl Group is not a significant portion of the CA, to roll over and ignore other commitments.
we werent short thousands of personal in Afghanistan like we are now. While combat arms can be trained quickly CS, and CSS not so much
Make Latvia a 3 year posting or akin to 4 CMBG in Germany - it should not be an albatross around the neck of the CA to do other issues.
6 month rotos are a killer. I don't know why we haven't learned that from Afghanistan. Make Latvia a posting. If we want to send a "peacekeeping force" to Ukraine then build a core and recruit specifically for it.

A bn of 600 pers has 350 cpls and ptes and another 100 MCpls. That's 450 out of 600.

1) On day 1 take a RegF/ARes core of 150 MCpls and above as the cadre. Take in another 100 ARes Cpls and take in, lets say roughly 700 recruits on a three year contract targeted specifically for an operational deployment. (with an aim to graduate roughly 450 Cpl/Ptes plus spares).

2) Place them all into a ARes bn and designate it part of a Special Force. Take 8 months of individual training to upgrade some of the 150 cadre and 100 ARes Cpls by one rank while the rest of the cadre and ARes run the recruits through individual training to DP1 and essential DP2 qualifications.

3) At the end of the individual training cycle run the entire battalion though four months collective training.

4) Then deploy for 18 months followed by a six month recovery cycle back in Canada. Rinse and repeat so that another Special Force battalion is ready to RIF with the first.

Essentially roughly 300 RegF/ARes and 200 ARes would be needed to form two staggered, concurrent cycles generating a persistent bn-sized force.

Where do you get the 150 RegF/ARes plus 100ARes? - how about from two of those eighteen 30/70 battalions introduced repeatedly up thread.

we werent short thousands of personal in Afghanistan like we are now. While combat arms can be trained quickly CS, and CSS not so much
I’d argue anyone can be trained quickly. Now depth of knowledge may be shallower, but the basical schoolhouse stuff can get done quickly.

It’s ‘easier’ to train many CSS trades, as most of the technical trades don’t require BN or BDE level ex’s to validate.

The issue is solely on desire to train. The CA can make about just anything happen if it sets it’s mind to it.
I’d argue anyone can be trained quickly. Now depth of knowledge may be shallower, but the basical schoolhouse stuff can get done quickly.

It’s ‘easier’ to train many CSS trades, as most of the technical trades don’t require BN or BDE level ex’s to validate.

The issue is solely on desire to train. The CA can make about just anything happen if it sets it’s mind to it.

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