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Drones, the Air Littoral, and the Looming Irrelevance of the USAF

So not being quite up on drone tech, how vulnerable are they to being detected by things like radar etc?
Depends on their size, how far off the ground they fly, and what they’re made of.

First, I think that person has an axe to grind against Naval Aviation. But that’s neither here nor there.

Second, carriers (and their air wings) aren’t just used to strike land-based things. It is a main goal to project power, but a carrier is also a huge floating base to do whatever - humanitarian assistance being one. Or just the “soft power” of a Carrier Strike Group off your coast. The AEW aircraft also extends the radar bubble of the task force, and while the big threat is the sub threat, having a bunch of Absalons isn’t going to change that calculus.

Also, each Tomahawk isn’t going to land back at the arsenal ship if the mission gets “turned off” for any number of reasons.

Upon further thought, that article reminds me of the “why have manned interceptors/fighters when BOMARC missiles can do the same thing?” Argument in the 50s/60s.
Depends on their size, how far off the ground they fly, and what they’re made of.

First, I think that person has an axe to grind against Naval Aviation. But that’s neither here nor there.

No doubt re the axe grinding.

Second, carriers (and their air wings) aren’t just used to strike land-based things. It is a main goal to project power, but a carrier is also a huge floating base to do whatever - humanitarian assistance being one. Or just the “soft power” of a Carrier Strike Group off your coast. The AEW aircraft also extends the radar bubble of the task force, and while the big threat is the sub threat, having a bunch of Absalons isn’t going to change that calculus.


Also, each Tomahawk isn’t going to land back at the arsenal ship if the mission gets “turned off” for any number of reasons.

Upon further thought, that article reminds me of the “why have manned interceptors/fighters when BOMARC missiles can do the same thing?” Argument in the 50s/60s.

I'll agree that it is the same argument. Having said that I will note that technology is weighting the scales differently now. Maybe not terminally but certainly differently.

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Kratos Valkyrie Kratos Mako Kratos BQM-177

Kratos Valkyre Loyal Wingman evolved from the Kratos Mako which evolved from the Kratos BQM-177 target.
The Valkyrie and Mako are both armed and the BQM-177 can carry stores.

All of them are using Shield AI.

The navy has decided to develop the AI on the cheapest of the platforms - the target system which is already well proven and exists in the inventory in large numbers.

Further to Shield's AI Hivemind (party political puff piece but still interesting)


Also, each Tomahawk isn’t going to land back at the arsenal ship if the mission gets “turned off” for any number of reasons.

Saw that V-Bat article and it got me to thinking about tail-sitters landing on their butts and went looking for other examples. I came up with these.

Tomahawk is a vertically launched jet propelled intelligent munition. How long before Shield AI software is incorporated? How long before a ramjet is incorporated? Vertical recovery and landing?

My next prediction sees Frankie Zapata's Hoverboard merged with the V-Bat to supply a short hop transport for one person.

Better solution than this

The V-Bat would leave both hands free - and be easier to dismount.
Interesting pieces about:

EpiSci converting its AI Swarmware from aircraft to boats in weeks - aim to use same software in multiple domains
Shield AI working with a pair of Kratos Firejets
US Army's 101st Abn Div Multi-Functional Reconnaissance Company
(Side bar on HAMAS Resistance philosophy)


Are small units better with a C-RAM capability rather than a C-UAS capability?

A C-RAM capability would counter rockets, artillery and mortar projectiles and, I believe concurrently, FPV "drones". But does that unit need to be able to kill UAS systems?

My sense is that there is a working assumption that a mortar team might fly a drone over the enemy position to spot fall of shot and that the effective counter would be for the targeted unit to take out the spotter flying overhead.

But what happens if the spotter, a Mavic sized target, is flying 5 miles away and observing the target through a long lens. Will the targeted unit be able to see the spotter, or even be aware of it? Would it have a system on hand that could reach out that far to knock the spotter out the sky?
Anduril's new family

WASHINGTON — Arguing that many of today’s options don’t do the trick, Anduril worked to make up something quick: a new family of air-breathing, autonomous air vehicles, akin to cruise missiles or one-way drones, which the company calls “Barracuda.”

Unveiled today, the weapon comes in three configurations — the Barracuda-100, -250 and -500 — with each increasing in size and payload. According to the company, the largest configuration can offer a range of greater than 500 nautical miles and over 100 pounds of payload. The two smaller configurations have lower ranges and offer a payload of 35 pounds. The company says each of the three variants can fly at speeds of up to 500 knots.

“The problem that we are seeking to solve here … is America and our allies and partners do not have enough weapons, full stop. And we are not capable of producing the volume of weapons that we’re going to need to establish deterrence against a peer competitor,” Anduril Chief Strategy Officer Chris Brose said in a briefing with reporters ahead of the announcement.

While the Barracuda may be new to the public, Anduril Vice President for Air Dominance & Strike Diem Salmon revealed the weapon has been selected for the early stage of a joint Air Force and Defense Innovation Unit effort to develop a low-cost air vehicle.

Additionally, Salmon noted that the Barracuda can come in a -M configuration — denoting the qualities of a cruise missile or munition — and that modular features mean that the system is capable of “a lot of different things.” Working together in either manned-unmanned or purely unmanned teaming, Brose said Barracudas could offer different capabilities like decoys, target detection and strike.

The drone will decide if, say, an abandoned car near a road appears to be a threat or not. If it decides it's not then it wouldn't "bother the operator. The operator is doing something important," co-founder Matthew Buffa said. "I'm (the drone) not going to go on the radio and tell him about this random car I've seen,​

Don't worry boss. I've got this one!