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Recent content by readyfourzero

  1. readyfourzero

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    Right 50 add 50 fire for effect!!!! surely with 4 barrels that are in a line 40m apart giving you a spread of 120m and build in the danger area (providing they are all paralleled properly - sorry we don't do that any more do we with the use of GLS) the target will come within the beaten zone...
  2. readyfourzero

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    Go on one knee, I'd like to see them explain that to one of the instructors at Brecon, they'd probably get a swift one aimed at the rear end and told to get on their 'belt buckle' to put it in polite terms.  Different positions for different cover I say, I found the Australians do everything on...
  3. readyfourzero

    Guns and Mortars

    Just been reading through this thread, I'm a Brit Mortarman and I was firstly shocked you had taken Mortars from the Infantry and I think a lot of my questions have already been answered after reading this.  Horsegunner353 I fully agree with you, it is there for us grunts as the only...
  4. readyfourzero

    Mortars: 51 mm, 60 mm, 81 mm, 120 mm & more

    I'm a British Infantry Mortarman (mainly on the STA side of things) and only recently found out you guys had taken on the Mortars from the Infantry, it's been something I found a bit startling!  How do you solve the problem of guaranteed indirect support? do you attach Btys to Bns when...
  5. readyfourzero

    Canadian / Australian Personnel Exchange Program??

    I can't see why you guys shouldn't do this, we Brits do.  We call it Ex Long Look, it's done every year for about 4 months.  We send a planeful of people (tri service) to Aus and NZ and they send theirs on the return trip.  I went on it in 92 and was attached to 3RAR, their Parachute Bn, and...
  6. readyfourzero

    Applications to join foreign forces (Britian and Australia)

    mike I echo Acorns words, welcome to the British Army I hope your stay is a good one and as enjoyable as mine has been! You have chosen well young Jedi 4-0
  7. readyfourzero

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    Sorry sent that without finishing.  We did toy (as mentioned earlier in this forum) about having a forth section with 2 GPMGs and a 51mm light mortar to help with winning the fire fight but I'm unsure we are going to go down that road.  It would be good but I'm not sure the Brit Army can...
  8. readyfourzero

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    We Brits generally have 8 man section (less Armoured Infantry who have 7 - not enough room in the back of a Warrior) but generally patrol with 12 in COIN ops, 3 teams of 4, lead by either a SNCO or an officer but can be led by an experienced Cpl (MCpl I think you call them).  I should imagine...
  9. readyfourzero

    Unit Leave vs Indiv Leave

    I can't see the attraction personally, When I came out of the jungle in Belize it took me the best part of the week to scrub the dirt out of my skin and get rid of my zits, dirty, filthy place. So who's been to Rauls then? They would be about the only women that would look at you after a good...
  10. readyfourzero

    VC Won in Iraq

    It makes you feel very humble doesn't it?  Great deeds of selflessness by a young soldier, he should be very proud of what he has done and what every soldier should aspire to.  I read the extract of his deeds to my troops this morning and for the first time in along time there was absolute...
  11. readyfourzero

    Joining UK Armed Forces

    er-I don't know what is it?
  12. readyfourzero

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    I still haven't got over the fact that you guys have lost all of you own Support Weapons Platoons, I cannot believe you have to rely on the Arty, Armour and Engineers etc.  The good thing about us Brits is at least we know we have guaranteed support from our own people.
  13. readyfourzero

    Joining UK Armed Forces

    Yeah they kick us out in our prime.  You can serve on over 22 years but jobs are few and far between and I think you have to be a minimum of sergeant, there is an ageism debate going on at the moment and I think they may start letting us soon but not in combat arms.....so re-badge or get out!
  14. readyfourzero

    Comparing Military Capability

    I'm afraid I cannot comment on the CF as I have never worked with them but I was lucky enough to be attached to 3 RAR for 4 months on an exchange programme and I found them very similar to us Brits (apart from they call the halt on the right foot!!!!) just differnet uniforms, weapons and the...
  15. readyfourzero

    Thinking about the Infantry Attack

    I think its a bit of both, I know the Inf toyed with the idea of having 4 sections in a rifle platoon, one being a manouvre support section but i think it's not going to happen for one reason or another, mainly manning i think also it's a bit more difficult with Mech Bns like we are at the...