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Recent content by OldCrow937

  1. OldCrow937

    Armed Forces Consider incentives to keep soldiers fit

    Hi all ! Nobody special here just another Operator... and two shiny penny's about to get rubbed together so here go's ! I was involved in the initial testing and trials for the FORCE testing phase #2 , which included 3 weeks of testing in Halifax. I am in trade that is geared towards higher...
  2. OldCrow937

    A "unique" situation

    This is from personal experience onboard a Halifax class frigate , the ship and crew names will not be used for privacy. Between 2013-2015 I had been posted on a certain ship and there was 2 members whom which were under going gender re-assignment surgery. 1 male to female , and vice versa, 1...
  3. OldCrow937

    OT after CT

    If I were you I would ask that question personally at my sitting with the career manager... He / She would know best what restrictions would be in place and they will want to know your intentions for a VoT since they have a hand in "letting you go" My guess, I suspect you very well might be...
  4. OldCrow937

    Length of time till job offer?

    All these responses were great... I have a few tips to keep your busy while you wait! From my point of view , and from talking to many other members there were a few things I attributed to having my files process faster... they may seem like common sense but they will all help the process move...
  5. OldCrow937

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    RE-JOINING ( Same trade 00115 as a skilled Applicant ) Recruiting Center: Halifax Regular/ Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Nesop 115 Online Application: 25th Nov 2015 First Contact: 26th Nov 2015 CFAT: CFAT Bypass Medical: Medical Bypass ( previous medical was still valid /...
  6. OldCrow937

    Application Process Samples [2003 - 2018]

    RE-JOINING ( Same trade 00115 as a skilled Applicant ) Recruiting Center: Halifax Regular/ Reserve: Regular Officer/NCM: NCM Trade Choice 1: Nesop 115 Online Application: 25th Nov 2015 First Contact: 26th Nov 2015 CFAT: CFAT Bypass Medical: Medical Bypass ( previous medical was still valid /...
  7. OldCrow937

    Fast processing

    I have never quite seen an application go through quite as fast as your describing for Reg force... typical time line for a new recruit is 181 days from the first time they set foot in a RC to when they are getting kitted out in CLFRS , I am currently a re-applicant and its been around 80 days...
  8. OldCrow937

    Bettering Fitness Standards while Waiting for BMQ

    OK so a few tidbits of advise regarding fitness and basic training...also I am not certain if CFLRS has completely switched over to FORCE testing I know all other CF units have switched but it wouldn't surprise me if they kept the Express because its basic training and my saltiness demands it...
  9. OldCrow937

    Drug use/drug testing in the CF (merged)

    I had seen this type of behavior back in 2008 with some members on PAR , blue sector 10th floor pod 6... yep that was home for me and 2 floors above us was the PAR platoon... people who for some reason were in limbo to leave the CF and these folks were real winners... I recall a group of girls...
  10. OldCrow937

    All About PAT (merged)

    So if you get posted to a PAT unit it will be up to your training WO to load you into said SQ course , factors that might get in the way of this would be A) the course is already loaded B) There are others ahead of your waiting for said SQ C) IF a & b are true then you will be on PAT until the...
  11. OldCrow937

    Joining as skilled need other members help!

    Hey guys just pooling other members that have possibly went through the same process as me ! Was trade 00115 for 6 years , decided to get out and 6 months later I knew I made a mistake ! Started the application process 3 months ago and here's where I am ; Applied and 3 days later received a...
  12. OldCrow937

    Merit List

    The company whom does all of the background checks and credit checks ( Guarda ) is really fast at processing members.... The group responsible for processing crim rec checks is backed up like a broken sewer drain right now.... It will happen , just wait for it ! Typically within a month or...