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Recent content by medicineman

  1. medicineman

    French Nuclear sub in Halifax

    Maybe just disappear it call?
  2. medicineman

    Thankyou All

    Glad to have helped :cool:
  3. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Medics either - you don't want us putting sand in the KY...
  4. medicineman

    Funny Pix & Video Thread

  5. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    I remember a buddy of mine telling me of getting in line at 33 Fd Hospital in Saudi when 1 CFH they got sent out for Dessert Storm and one of the docs asking rather loudly "Have you not heard of the current war on cholesterol?" at their first meal. My dad told me about being attached to Brit...
  6. medicineman

    Canada/US Border Integrity Thread

    Something about being Governor of the Banks of Canada and England...
  7. medicineman

    Mystery Illness in Congo - 2025

    We have similar issues with pertussis and sometimes measles in southern Manitoba with some of the Mennonite population...however, when they leave the colony, others get put at risk. Also, there are New Order Mennonites that have similar issues. Oddly enough, where I used to work, there was an...
  8. medicineman

    Mystery Illness in Congo - 2025

    Agreed... They do, frequently, just that X is pretty good at blocking those folks out/trolling them/etc...not to mention the Sec HHS has essentially silenced the CDC, particularly the outbreak investigations division. My favorite is Peter Hotez - he's a pediatric infectious/parasitic disease...
  9. medicineman

    Mystery Illness in Congo - 2025

    Le Sigh...was reading that, unvaccinated kid. I call that an (albeit unfortunate) own goal... One issue with all these viruses emerging in Africa and South America is there aren't a lot of vaccines for them, Ebola being an outlier. Plus side - a lot of these epidemics burn out, but not all...
  10. medicineman

    Mystery Illness in Congo - 2025

    Assuming he remembers to...
  11. medicineman

    Mystery Illness in Congo - 2025

    Winged rats are cooler to catch and eat than plain rats...'cause they can fly to escape instead of just running.
  12. medicineman

    Mystery Illness in Congo - 2025

    Same with South America and most of Asia...
  13. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Then they screwed Fido too...
  14. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Hmm - Grenadier collar dogs but either Welsh or Irish Guards buttons...even BBC can't get their shit together, sheesh...