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Recent content by little ruddiger

  1. little ruddiger

    Commissioner Wants TTC Cops Armed [ And What About Private Security?]

    I am not S1 he is my roomate and he used my laptop to view the posts I had been ranting about and felt he had to respond himself. I can understand why there is confusion but I am not the author of that post.
  2. little ruddiger

    Commissioner Wants TTC Cops Armed [ And What About Private Security?]

    There you go with your attention to detail defecate and assumption about other people posts again, zippy. I have not indicated anywhere on this site that I am either male or female. I also was treating you like a child not a lover because I think you have been throwing childish tantrums in your...
  3. little ruddiger

    Commissioner Wants TTC Cops Armed [ And What About Private Security?]

    Zipperhead my gentle, learned little buddy, I know you are still upset with me for body-slamming you on that other thread but we can still be friends. A good way to start the flow of warm and fuzzies between us is for you to stop putting words in people mouths. You can follow that up by actually...
  4. little ruddiger

    Should the RCMP be doing provincial policing?

    George, the RCMP are definitely more para-military than other services in Canada. I watched a graduation parade at OPC and I was standing next to and chatting with a paramedic who was former CF. When the graduates marched in we had to avoid looking at each other to keep from laughing. I haven't...
  5. little ruddiger

    Commissioner Wants TTC Cops Armed [ And What About Private Security?]

    Too bad the post from SLIM that had followed my last is now gone because I think SLIM is my long lost sibling and I couldn't have agreed more, but no matter. Zipperhead I will tell you a little story; It seems one day that an old retiree working as a security guard alone in a medium size mall...
  6. little ruddiger

    Relevance and Usefullness of Police Foundations?

    I totally understand what student debt is all about, it sucks. I try my best not to think about my own debt because it is scary and I am by no means the worse off student I know. Being a police officer is not a privilege it is a job and being treated fairly is a right. Plain and simple.
  7. little ruddiger

    Commissioner Wants TTC Cops Armed [ And What About Private Security?]

    It seems to me that Toronto takes security a little more seriously than other cities in Canada, because for many reasons the citizens realizes they have to. It reminds me of the way that some Canadians look down their nose at the US as an excuse for not looking critically at domestic issues. All...
  8. little ruddiger

    Should the RCMP be doing provincial policing?

    Before anyone gets crazy I have no hate-on for the RCMP. The Constituton Act, 1876 (BNA Act) clearly puts policing under the responsibility of the provinces in confederation. At one time or another every province had their own provincial police but mainly due to the depression in the 30's the...
  9. little ruddiger

    Commissioner Wants TTC Cops Armed [ And What About Private Security?]

    Wow, what happened to the TTC? Well, I guess we all just agree about that and are on to bigger and better things. Security work runs the whole gambit from night watchmen and concierge jobs all the way up to stuff that would make the LAPD think you are nuts. One size does not fit all but tell the...
  10. little ruddiger

    Relevance and Usefullness of Police Foundations?

    Thompson and Sappo, I would strongly urge you to finish what you started at PFP. If you don't finish it I can tell you right now that one of the big questions in the interview will be why not and they will use it to rattle you. If you need to take time-off, do it but going back and getting your...
  11. little ruddiger

    Relevance and Usefullness of Police Foundations?

    I think that a re-rolled community college program should be a pre-requisite for employment with police. I know that in Quebec that is the case and maybe looking at the CEGEP program is a good place to start from. I advocate much more involvement by Police, Ministry of CSCS and why not the...
  12. little ruddiger

    Relevance and Usefullness of Police Foundations?

    First to Sappo, because he has been polite. I am skeptical as to the "voluntary" nature of the questionnaire because I would suspect that not returning that portion of the application would likely land your application in the garbage. Can I prove this, no but as been pointed out again and again...
  13. little ruddiger

    Relevance and Usefullness of Police Foundations?

    Slow down zipperhead we are on the same side here. ;) No need to be nasty. In answer to your delicately worded queries; it is a violation of the Charter to discriminate based on ethnicity or gender, if you are a cop you should know that. After all the Charter is the paramount law of the land...
  14. little ruddiger

    Relevance and Usefullness of Police Foundations?

    I was not really trying to discourage people from pursuing their dreams I just want to point out how flawed the recruiting system and PFP are. I feel that policing and security are of vital importance in this country and the way it is being conducted is ridiculous. When I was in PFP there was...
  15. little ruddiger

    Relevance and Usefullness of Police Foundations?

    If you are already in PFP, finish it. You will get a since of accomplishment out of that diploma and it can't hurt regardless of what you do after. As far as the revelance and usefulness of PFP, it isn't. I took it and had some fun, met some good friends, learned a few things but that is all...