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Recent content by KevinB

  1. KevinB

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    I'll make a new thread, as I think the other ones are all OBE, but currently really need to be headed to the airport - once through security I'll try to remember to bang something out on my iPhone.
  2. KevinB

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    The question is what does the Section need to be in the foreseeable future. I'd recommend picking up a copy of Jack Watling's "The Arms of the Future" it offers some fairly solid observations of the need for change, and what present day and future requirements are for "Combined Arms Forces"...
  3. KevinB

    Artillery NCM and Hearing Damage

    FWIW some weapon systems also require the use (or did) of double ear pro (plugs and ear muff type). Range Standing Orders also used to (its been 21 years...) have protection protocols listed for various weapons. Also hearing protection has gotten way way better, in terms of protection, form...
  4. KevinB

    Artillery NCM and Hearing Damage

    Generally all range briefs mention ear and eye protection. Yes Yes Sometimes the stupidity was ordered. Years ago back when I was still in the Artillery, a certain SSF Deputy Commander had a hard on for helmets, he would drive around the training areas in Petawawa looking for troops not...
  5. KevinB

    Indirect Fires Modernization Project - C3/M777 Replacement

    Pretty much all observational analysis of recent conflicts have stressed the need for layered fires. From direct fire ATGM’s, to longer range NLOS ATGM’s, 120mm Mortars, then to 155mm tube guns, and of to Loitering Munitions and Rocket Artillery. Agreed. I’m seeing a high need for Divisional...
  6. KevinB

    Canadian modular assault rifle project, a C7 replacement?

    Stupid concept. Belt fed guns give a volume of fire that magazine fed systems can’t. The IAR briefs well and can be gamed for demonstration purposes, but in combat situations, the belt fed LMG at the small unit level has a very strong role. The USMC’s own combat data showed that the...
  7. KevinB

    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    Apparently sunny with some clouds. 52F during the time the vehicle was operating. Which considering the troops are from Ft Stewart GA could be considered cold. Now it was just announced that the M88A2 has been removed from the swamp. Now US Military Police, CID, and Lithuanian Military and...
  8. KevinB

    CAN Enhanced (Permanent?) Fwd Presence in Latvia

    I find it odd that a M88 would be buttoned up for a non combat recovery task, and that it would drive into such a bog during daylight.
  9. KevinB

    The Great Gun Control Debate- 2.0

    So what I’m hearing is that maybe annexation isn’t actually so bad… ;)
  10. KevinB

    Indirect Fires Modernization Project - C3/M777 Replacement

    Well if you want to follow POTUS47 and his ‘Golden Dome’ concept be my guest. But it’s economic suicide. Neither country is like Israel, in terms of size, direct threat, or the localized nature of threats. You can’t get enough launchers to cover the country in a manner that would give a...
  11. KevinB

    Indirect Fires Modernization Project - C3/M777 Replacement

    I would suggest that Canada’s treasure be spent on a more useful defense endeavor. NORAD and the RCN are much better tools for the Defense of Canada’s North than a few batteries of missiles that won’t be mobile due to climate and terrain. For Canada it is currently bend over kiss your ass...
  12. KevinB

    Indirect Fires Modernization Project - C3/M777 Replacement

    You won’t get a lot of folks with Secret and TS+ clearances who are native to the North. I really don’t know why you are going down this path when so many folks have told you it isn’t viable without a major restructure, that won’t occur unless the threat to NA dramatically changes.
  13. KevinB

    Indirect Fires Modernization Project - C3/M777 Replacement

    The ship is a secure mobile permanently manned structure. Throwing two companies of Infantry to guard a mobile missile launcher in the North seems like a foolish waste to me.
  14. KevinB

    Indirect Fires Modernization Project - C3/M777 Replacement

    There are specific security requirements for those systems. Armed security on site, is just one of them, with a number of other requirements for the personnel and number of security, as well as capabilities, and reaction forces. Theft isn’t the only issue in the North, the Russians have zero...
  15. KevinB

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    Hey I’m right here. Oh, Russia, the ‘5th Generation’ SU-57 that isn’t. The thing with the radar cross section of a 747…. Well we have a lot of F-35 and F-22’s down here ;) As far as realistic threat, how many SUAS could a drone carrier get close to the EEZ or National Limit?