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Recent content by jaxhades94

  1. jaxhades94

    Military Police Trade in Army/Navy/Air Force

    Dude, this reads like an email you should be sending to a recruiter or whoever handles the application process for MPs. Maybe send this to them and see what they say?
  2. jaxhades94

    BMQ date

    thats something you can and should ask the reserve unit admin because they will have the most accurate information available.
  3. jaxhades94

    Worried about the progress of my application :/

    Worried about the progress of my application :/
  4. jaxhades94

    25 grand debt

    bruh it sounds like you can't pay off your current debt....why go into further debt to other individuals just to pay off one debt in order to join the military? Matthew stealing from Peter to pay Paul and all that...
  5. jaxhades94

    Iran Super Thread- Merged

    even more most likely - potential foreign agents/agencies engaging in actions to destabilize the region and throw them all into a geo-political war
  6. jaxhades94

    Time from Medical Exam sent to Ottawa to Competition List

    yeah this is roughly where I have been stuck for the last 3 months, the 'Final Processing' stage just after my Medical/Interview stage according to the Application Portal.
  7. jaxhades94

    Over 40 to old?

    I'm 30 and have 19-21 year old peers at my current work place. While some things can be annoying (their doe-eyed belief that they can fix anything and everything when things are FUBAR, especially people), I find the eagerness of youth a little endearing. You just have to accept that sometimes...
  8. jaxhades94

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    whatever colour got stuck in Homer Simpson's brain in the episode "HOMR"
  9. jaxhades94

    So I really cant do anything if I need an Epipen?

    especially as shellfish can be found in any number of foods and health products because they're easily processed.
  10. jaxhades94

    Competition list clarification

    I also got a generic answer saying there's no strict timeline when it comes to my application, just to be patient and they'll email me when it's time for enrollment.
  11. jaxhades94

    Competition list clarification

    Oof 4 months? Yeah I hope the backlog clears up some. I'm still in 'Final Processing' for the past 2 months. Really hoping I get out of that and onto the competition list and enrollment and into BMQ for the summer.
  12. jaxhades94

    Para Availability Pres (Toronto)

    I can't answer your other questions but if you're doing Reserves then the regiment you join is typically the one you signed up with, so in this case the QoR regiment would be the one you join. Toronto has several regiments for the 3 branches, so unlike Reg Force which sends you off after BMQ to...
  13. jaxhades94

    Medical waiting

    this seems to be the general theme of the CAF....the 'hurry up and wait' approach