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Recent content by Goose

  1. Goose

    TCAT-PCAT info and questions ( merged )

    So I've been off this site for literally, years, but I remember what a great reference and support network it was, so I figured I would give it a try. I have searched everywhere, and this seems like the most appropriate thread to link these questions of mine too- any help would be really...
  2. Goose

    Desperately need advice

    Take off what time you can. It sounds like you have been working hard, and have improved your fitness; it will take more than a few days of down time to really impact the level you have achieved. So relax, and don't worry about it. You'll be doing lots of training with this or that wrong... I...
  3. Goose

    Cleaning Vinyl Map Cases, Page Protectors,etc.

    Mr. Clean magic erasers.
  4. Goose

    Word association (just for fun)

    Armoured  :tank2:
  5. Goose

    Officer going NCM... does IAP BOTP CAP count for anything?

    thanks. it sounds like it might be in my best interest, but I was just reading a thread about how medics don't have to do SQ anyways... but it was from 2005.... can anyone put a more recent spin on that one?
  6. Goose

    Officer going NCM... does IAP BOTP CAP count for anything?

    I definately didn't say it was a bad idea to be an NCM- in fact, I said that I was thinking of doing just that. Thanks eye-in-the-sky. Im not able to get on the DIN just yet, but will be able to sometime next week. What I'd really like to know though is if someone were considering this, should...
  7. Goose

    Officer going NCM... does IAP BOTP CAP count for anything?

    Hi- before I get my head chewed off, I HAVE searched quite thoroughly for answers to these questions and haven't been able to find them. What I have found seems to be either seriously outdated or from the wrong perspective, so if anyone has the information that I am looking for, it would be...
  8. Goose

    30 days

    SO I'm back and done. IAP/BOTP weren't even close to being as hard as I thought they would be!! Seriously people, if you just suck it up and bite your tongue once in a while, you'll sail right through. Ahha, after Christmas/new years, I'm off to start CAP though. My fitness went down the shitter...
  9. Goose

    Change Occupation Choices ( merged )

    So here is my problem... I've just graduated IAP and am starting up BOTP in a few days. So far I love it all. However, it's become more and more obvious that my trade choice (armour) is not really for me. I want to get out of the combat arms and get into pilot, air nav, or ATC. I've been talking...
  10. Goose

    30 days

    Alright ladies and gentlemen... this is it. I leave for basic in 6 hours (have to start driving at 4:30am). I am SOOOOOOOOOOO ready. I'd like to thank everyone who has helped me over these last few months and to add a little incentive. If I can do it folks- you can do it too. Trust me- everyday...
  11. Goose

    30 days

    Alright folks- I'm off in a couple of days (hooray)! I've been slacking off a little, it's very, very easy to say "hey, I'm going in a few days, whens the next time that I'll be able to have cheesecake?" I went for a run yesterday, just to get mentally prepared. Ran farther than I've ever run...
  12. Goose

    30 days

            Wow- you guys/gals are all amazing. I hope that someday I'll be able to meet some of you in person. One of the kids over last week broke our wireless 'thingy' and I've been without the internet for a while- sorry for not posting. At the same time, I've done nothing worth posting in...
  13. Goose

    30 days

    OMG everyone~ thanks so much for the well-wishes, its been awsome! The swearing in ceremony went great. I was one out of four (PEI is a pretty small place...) and so it was held in a slightly-renovated reception area at the recruitment office. This would have been fine if my family had kept is...
  14. Goose

    30 days

    Alright guys~ off to sign my life away! (or a decade of it at least).  :tank:
  15. Goose

    30 days

    So I just got back from the road race... it was fantastic!!!!!!! I'm so proud of myself! I know that 5k is small potatoes, and that I'll be doing this much at least every morning in a few weeks, but I'm  feeling more prepared mentally right now than I ever thought I could be. So, I ran in a race...