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Recent content by Edward Campbell

  1. Edward Campbell

    New Canadian Shipbuilding Strategy

    I'm very, very old, but: consistent life-cycle-costing and 'management' ( and the word consistent - across gov't, not just within the military - matters Hugely) is the ONLY sensible way to plan. Things like 'bathtub curves are very real and everyone needs to understand them and plan for them.
  2. Edward Campbell

    Fallen Comrades (retired members)

    See my Facebook Page, please: Edward Campbell Cannot seem to post this here.
  3. Edward Campbell

    Fallen Comrades (retired members)

    Deeply sad to report the death of BGen (Ret'd) Phil Spencer, The RCR:
  4. Edward Campbell

    CAF Security Forces [Split from RCN Anti Drone Weapon]

    We did, once. it began with a public and fairly well publicized policy statement in 1947 by the then Minister of External Affairs (foreign minister) and continued when he became prime minister. It was fiddled with - on anti-American and anti-nuclear grounds - but broadly supported by his...
  5. Edward Campbell

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    I was at a big international radio conference in Geneva a few years ago ... a small subset of the CCEB (5👁️) + NATO team was having an informal meeting in a pub when our very senior German civilian member (about a senior ADM level in our bureaucracy) banned acronyms and most abbreviations...
  6. Edward Campbell

    CAF Security Forces [Split from RCN Anti Drone Weapon]

    🪖 Helmets on: war story ... Back in the 1970s and '80s we and the Brits had a multi-stage PRes (:cdn:Comm Reserve) (🇬🇧TAVR) augmentation system. The 🇨🇦 Comm Reserve was formally tasked to augment Regular Force fixed communications units which would then send regulars to field units. There was...
  7. Edward Campbell

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    The Liberal Party needs a reformer and rebuilder. I say that as someone who detests what the Trudeau (père et fils) Liberals have become since 1967 but who wants that great Party to prosper because I know that :cdn: needs two socially moderate, fiscally responsible and globally engaged political...
  8. Edward Campbell


    And July '43
  9. Edward Campbell

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    She has a team of well qualified advisors (academics, mostly) who counsel her on the constitutionality of her decisions; she (like the sovereign) is NOT 100% bound to accept the prime minister's advise.
  10. Edward Campbell

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    True, but there are ECM resistant modes which alleviate some (man? most?) of the risks.
  11. Edward Campbell

    Trump administration 2024-2028

    I am old enough to remember when iron lungs were fairly commonplace ... I remember Dr Salk's vaccine; he made millions of lives better; Gawd, I hate terminally flippin' stupid people like RFK.
  12. Edward Campbell

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    And it is fair to say that almost everything that is considered by both Team Poilievre and Team Trudeau is from a highly partisan political perspective.
  13. Edward Campbell

    AOR Replacement & the Joint Support Ship (Merged Threads)

    The very definition if electromagnetic compatibility is that "everyone who needs to use the spectrum may do so without causing or suffering harmful interference," and yes, ships' masts (along with aircraft) are amongst the most difficult EMC environments to plan and manage. It can get tricky on...
  14. Edward Campbell

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    That is the one and only key to a single term CPC government followed by a revitalized (Carney-led?) and slightly less left wing Liberal regime, again. ----- Repeating myself, but: 1. Canada needs two broadly centrist, liberal (in the proper meaning of the term) parties; 2. Right now it has...
  15. Edward Campbell

    Trudeau Popularity - or not (various polling, etc.)

    Today's Globe and Mail (Robert Fife and Marieke Walsh) says that: "Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has made another attempt to recruit former central banker Mark Carney at a time when tensions with Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland have risen over increased spending on political strategies...