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Recent content by Dean Thompson

  1. Dean Thompson

    A threat to Army.ca

    Not really, or I'd just call Servicing and find out.  8)
  2. Dean Thompson

    A threat to Army.ca

    You're still on the internet? Are all the Aurora's broke down or something?  ;D
  3. Dean Thompson

    A threat to Army.ca

    Exactly. There's no comparing regular public forums to the extreme right wing websites/forums. It's becoming a normal procedure for government to shut down hate spreading websites, this won't be a first of any kind.
  4. Dean Thompson

    A threat to Army.ca

    The disclaimer's great, but to the uninformed public searching for Canadian Army info could easily end up on here and think it's official (unless they read the tiny disclaimer). The point I was trying to make was that no matter what happens in the above mentioned court case, I think Army.ca is safe.
  5. Dean Thompson

    A threat to Army.ca

    Marc Lemire's White Nationalist website and others like it could be shut down for their content and the fact that they "spread hate", etc, but the ruling would have no effect on 99% of public forums. To think that a site could be legally forced to shut down because a tiny percentage of the posts...
  6. Dean Thompson

    white supremacist Mother has children taken away....

    Not on duty military members.
  7. Dean Thompson

    white supremacist Mother has children taken away....

    I teach my son what I believe is factual information. Like how by the year 2020, whites will be a minority in the US, that the Canadian immigration policies need a major overhaul to weed out the undesirables that claim to be "political refugee's" so we can't send them back, and that the...
  8. Dean Thompson

    Occupational and Component Transfers (OT/CT/VOT) During and After BMQ (Merged)

    Minimum 4 years in trade before you can even apply for OT. Recruiters will blow smoke up your arse to get you to sign on. I think you were duped.
  9. Dean Thompson

    Mobile Support Equipment Operator (MSE Op) [Merged]

    Compared to where? Shilo? Wainwright? Gagetown? Cold lake? Bagotville? Suffield? Where the hell have you been for bases that make Emonton seem like a bad place?  ???
  10. Dean Thompson

    Injured recruits misdiagnosed then dropped by military

    I remember doing Basic Training at Cornwallis back in '88 at 18 years old, and finding the PT pretty hard. We had a 28 year old guy on my Battle School course we called "Pappy" since he was 10 years older than all of us. Nowadays we have 50 year old privates showing up at some units (I've seen a...
  11. Dean Thompson

    The Latest (disgusting) "News" Article by Eric Margolis- 10 Feb/ 2008

    While there are a few silly comments mixed in the article, most of it isn't too far off the mark in my opinion. His historical and current facts are correct, so I'm not sure what is "disgusting" about it.
  12. Dean Thompson

    Sgt. Ron Gillis -- Airborne

    Ron retired from the reg force last year (PPCLI) and is now officially a member of 5 platoon, B Coy, the Canadian Scottish Regiment in Comox, BC.
  13. Dean Thompson

    Media Request: Almost 5M Rounds Downrange in AFG

    It's been estimated the American army/Marines in Iraq fire 250,000 rounds per enemy killed. I'd think our ratio is a bit better than that. The US is buying ammo from Israel since the American ammo manufacturers can't keep up with the demand.  :-[
  14. Dean Thompson

    Military Quote

    You weren't even close:  ;) On the plains of hesitation lie the blackened bones of countless millions who at the dawn of victory lay down to rest, and in resting died. Adlai E. Stevenson It used to be at the PPCLI Battle School back in the day, with the words "never rest!" tagged onto the end.
  15. Dean Thompson

    British Army Training Unit Suffield (BATUS) and NTC Ft Irwin

    BATUS is used by the Brits for armoured training, as they don't have a training area where they can practice the tactics that the large area at Suffield provides. NTC is a desert Warfare area that has it's own in-house enemy force (OPFOR) unit with vehicles, helicopters etc, and cycles different...