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Survival apps


Army.ca Myth
Reaction score
Couple SHTF/survival/zombie apps (android) I've picked up (and deleted, and reinstalled, and deleted).  Some are free some are are paid.

Army.ca's very own Battle Procedure Aide Memoire
Really intuitive and fun to play around with. Zombie invasion is no time to forget about proper battle procedure.

Range Card pro.
Used this at work as well as at home/hunting cabin just for fun.

Couple survival guides
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gurestudiob.survivalguide - US army
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.max.KnotsGuide - knots

Flash light

Gunsafe pro
This is a pay version but there's also a free version. Pretty cool app that lets you keep track of your firearms and pertinent information (serial numbers, date purchased). Also keeps track of your ammo, round count of each firearm and trips to the range/ range reports.  Doesn't ask for any permissions which is nice.

Strelok Pro
Ballistic calculator.  Free version and 2 levels of pay versions. I found the calculations bang on when I compared them to doing it by hand.

Couple survival games
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sandbaygames.survive - Survive - Wilderness survival
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sandbaygames.iaintleavingmybunker - I Ain't Leaving My Bunker [ haven\t played this yet but a couple friends give it high praise]
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gm_shaber.dayr - Day R survival


https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cabal.bug.out.bag.wishlist - Prepper Inventory
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.justmyfreak.boblist - Bug Out Bag survival guide

Open Signal
Find wifi spots and cell phone towers. Also coverage areas.

Anyone have anymore interesting ones?
Few more apps which could be useful if things go pear shape

Some of them can also be useful for entertaining kids while self-isolating?

Really like this one. Pretty simple. You add how many family members you have, then how much water and food (by item and calorie) and it calculates how many days worth of food and water you have.


Another really fun one. You build a bug out bag (or bags or supplies in a vehicle) including equipment weight.
Quick 4-day camping bag? 1 week vehicle one?

Offline Survival Manual
Pretty self explanatory, interesting reading for kids

Another mention to Open Signal

But also found another neat one.


Coverage creates your own personal cell and WiFi coverage map based on signal strength readings from your phone.

Scanner Radio

Listen to live audio from over 7,000 fire and police scanners, weather radios, amateur radio repeaters, air traffic and marine radios from around the world.

Knot tying

Another good one for kids. Ton of different knot typing apps out there, 3d ones are pretty cool too. [ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nynix.knots3d ]

Our Groceries

OurGroceries automatically keeps your family’s grocery list in sync with the latest changes—on every family member’s phone or web browser.
Every change to your shared shopping list is visible in seconds. See items being checked off as your partner shops

App for you and the family add to and share shopping lists. There's a couple other shared apps out there, haven't played with them much.

St John Ambulance First aid


Ol' CAF special.

Smart Compass
Augmented Reality kind of thing.

Steel Compass 3D

For gentlemen that don't keep a Silva in their left breast pocket.

Life360 - Family Locator, GPS Tracker
send and receive check-ins (whether during an emergency or not) and take part in private family chats.

Find My Kids: Child Cell Phone Tracker & GPS-watch
For more aggressive helicopter parents

Last but not least
Wyze. Non expensive but good quality home monitoring system. Buy a couple cameras, hook them up to your wifi via bluetooth and place them where ever you want around the house inside or out- check the feed from your cell phone over wifi or data when you're out.
